Bailey and Katy came to us as rescues. We lost Bailey in June of 2016 and Katy in November of 2022. We were blessed to have Annie join us in August of 2016. They have brought great love and joy to our immediate family and to extended family and friends. This blog will share their stories and issues related to Shelties. Some told from their perspective and others told from those that share this journey with them. Notice: This blog does have Amazon product links and Google Adsense
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Those Tempting Sheep
Sheep the final frontier. This is what stands between me, Katy, and Santa. I try to avoid them, but just this morning I found one in my mouth and Mama was yelling at me to drop it like cops do on those criminal shows she loves. I have no idea how that sheep popped into my mouth. However, Bailey says confess and Santa will forgive. So Santa here I am, guilty as charged....again. I am sorry. However, could you make those sheep less taunting?
The cards are still coming in and we may in fact fill that second wreath. Thanks for all the wonderful holiday wishes.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Wreath 2 Filling Up
Wreath 1 is completely filled, mostly with our Christmas Cards. Wreath 2 is also filling up with cards from our blogging friends. They are adding lots of festive cheer to our holiday! Mom is having a tough time getting shots of the 2nd wreath with her phone as she doesn't have room enough to back up to get the whole wreath in the shot.
Two Grandma's and one Grandpa will be arriving soon for Christmas. None of them are staying with us, but they will all be visiting, especially for the big Christmas Eve party. Daddy's parents bring the BEST pressies. Since they come on Christmas Eve we even get our stuff early!
Christmas Card Exchange,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Christmas Cards,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Friday, December 7, 2012
Dear Santa
Dear Santa,
We know about the Santa Cams, so I thought it best to fess up before you got the official report. I attacked a plastic canvas sheep yesterday. I know the rule is herd not hurt the sheep, but I don't know what came over me. It looked so tempting sitting there among all the Christmas toys and I just couldn't resist picking it up and giving it a little love. Thankfully, Mama stopped me before any serious damage could be done. Who knows what the penalty is for destroying a manger scene.
I am truly sorry dear Santa and am really trying to only play with my Christmas toys. It is hard when Mom and Dad have thesetasty distracting items to play with all around me. I will try harder.
We know about the Santa Cams, so I thought it best to fess up before you got the official report. I attacked a plastic canvas sheep yesterday. I know the rule is herd not hurt the sheep, but I don't know what came over me. It looked so tempting sitting there among all the Christmas toys and I just couldn't resist picking it up and giving it a little love. Thankfully, Mama stopped me before any serious damage could be done. Who knows what the penalty is for destroying a manger scene.
I am truly sorry dear Santa and am really trying to only play with my Christmas toys. It is hard when Mom and Dad have these
Thursday, December 6, 2012
We are Good with Santa
We went and had our chat with Santa on Sunday. It took two pictures, but we have our proof that we went in case there is an issue later with our presents.
Bailey earned Santa points when he helped keep a young pup from bolting away from Santa. Dad helped get the dog to sit on Santa's lap so the pup could have her picture taken with Santa. We are hoping Santa remembers all those good deeds when it comes time to visit our house.
Mama promises to post the picture with Santa after Dad scans it in.
As you can see, the first card wreath is almost full and it only has two cards belonging to Mom and Dad. The rest are all from you, our blogging pals. Mom has two wreaths, so we she will have room for the cards that are sure to come from the Grandmas and other family.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Going to Talk to Santa
We are headed off to visit with Santa on Sunday. We have much to discuss. Been working on sharing and not fighting over toys and food. Hoping Santa will forgive some of our "minor" disgressions and not forget us.
The tough part is we have to get our picture taken. Mama says it is for a good cause. It helps raise money for dogs and cats that do not have any place to live. However, we are just not crazy about this whole picture taking thing.
Anyone else off to see Santa this season?
The tough part is we have to get our picture taken. Mama says it is for a good cause. It helps raise money for dogs and cats that do not have any place to live. However, we are just not crazy about this whole picture taking thing.
Anyone else off to see Santa this season?
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Picture with Santa,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Visit with Santa,
Visiting Santa Paws
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
We are so thrilled that Mama is sticking to her commitment about walking. Last night Dad was so surprised when Mama texted him about walking. After all it was snowing!!! Mama stuck to it though and we got to walk in the snow. There were so many delightful things to sniff and examine. We can only hope this trend continues.
Yesterday, Mom helped us address our first batch of cards. Dad brought home stamps, so we will be working on more cards today. Mama also has to ship some packages, so she is working on balancing Christmas cards and Christmas wrapping/boxing. It will all be done soon.
More cards arrived yesterday. So far, we have 9 cards and Mom and Dad have yet to get one. I think it is because we send out more. Our blogging friends have some great Christmas card designs.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Christmas Card Exchange Has Begun
Mom was so thrilled, when she got the mail out of the box on Black Friday. She already had Christmas cards from the Dog Blog Christmas exchange. After our Christmas toys, the card wreaths were one of the first things to come out of the box. Mom loves displaying all the beautiful Christmas cards.
We were thrilled when Dad said he found a great Black Friday deal at Walgreens and hopped online to order our cards. He picked them up the same day and now that all the family cards are done, Mom has promised to get to work on our card exchange ones.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
We know Thanksgiving is Thursday, but once Dad is home from work tonight, the holiday rush begins and we may not get back to blogging until next week. We wanted to stop and wish everyone a safe and snack filled holiday.
Mom got a summary note from her doctor yesterday with good news about her tests. The best news for us, she included a note to tell her to continue walking. Can you imagine that a human vet gave us the best present ever, mandatory walks. Right after dinner Dad got out the leashes and despite the bracing cold, Mom and Dad took us for an evening walk. This Sheltie trainer thing has its benefits.
We are hoping to get our cards printed after Thanksgiving and then we can get started on the card exchange.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Sheltie Fitness Coaches
The Human Vet confirmed it. We are making Mama healthier!
Mama had to go for her yearly physical. While she still has a long way to go the human vet saw improvements and asked Mama what she was doing. She told her about walking us when the weather wasn't wet and we received great compliments for motivating her.
Don't doubt your healing power folks. We can do it.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tyler the Turkey Returns with a Friend
Some of you might remember Mom's obsession with holiday toys. She just took down the Halloween decorations and mysteriously our Mummy and Bat toys have gone missing into the strange world of the Attic. However, as the Halloween toys went missing, who should appear, but Tyler Turkey
Last year, Mom looked everywhere online and in person for Thanksgiving dog toys. She finally found Tyler. While taking Bailey and I to get pictures with Santa she was so thrilled to discover a Tyler on clearance at the place we were having our pictures taken. She stashed him in the Thanksgiving box and we were thrilled to discover not one but two turkey toys to play with this year. We do need a name for the second one though. It is too confusing if they are both Tyler.
If anyone spots any other Thanksgiving toys on the market, please let Mom know. She is always looking to expand our holiday toy options.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The First Snow Cookies of the Year
It snowed yesterday and we were treated to the first fresh snow cookies of the year. The best thing about snow cookies is Mom doesn't care how many we eat. We can run around the yard and scoop up as much as we want and she doesn't seem to worry about it ruining our dinner. That's what she says when we want to many of our other snacks.
We are still having wet weather, but it is more sleet than snow at this point.
This is our friend Mrs. Pumpkin. She has been on our porch for a while now. She had a brief trip indoors during the hurricane, but moved outside afterwards as we missed having her out there. Mom and Dad seem to think she will be traveling some time before Thanksgiving. We will miss her as we have spent hours sunning ourselves next to her.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Shelties and Snow,
Shelties in the Snow,
Snow Cookies
Friday, November 2, 2012
So Much Going On
We survived the Sandy without a loss of power. Mama kept rubbing her magic emergency lantern every time the power dimmed and the lights came back on. We are praying for all those who are still without power and recovering from all the damage.
Bailey came up with a new idea for trick or treat. He got a head pat for every treat given out. Katy came closer to the door and was spying at the trick or treaters from a cave she created. She might not have wanted to get close, but our girl is getting braver and refused to miss out on the action.
Katy has also discovered the joy of leaves. Last year Katy was terrified of the sound made as people and dogs pushed through piles of leaves left on the streets. This year as we've been walking more frequently, she has become very curious about the smells and the texture of the leaf piles.
What really drew us out was the card swap. It has been a tough summer and fall for Mama and she hasn't been doing much blogging. She preposted a bunch of stuff for her education blog last winter that has continued, but everything else has been dragging. However, she has been scanning blog postings and when she realized she almost missed the sign up for the Christmas cards she not only signed us up, but she wanted to let people know we were still out here.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
We Love Fall
Summer has many benefits, but there is nothing like the cool fall weather for outdoor fun.
Mama melts like an ice cream cone so she comes out more when the weather cools down. We get more walks. There are so many interesting smells. The back porch is warm, but lacks that sauna effect of midsummer.
When Mama and Papa clean out the gardens, we have even more room to play. Truly, there are no down sides to fall in New England for a Sheltie.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, October 1, 2012
Fall Has Arrived
We took some time off from blogging. As we mentioned in our last blog one of Mom's relatives was very sick and finally passed away. Mom has not felt much like working on the computer.
Mom and Dad have been walking more and Katy has finally taken up reading pee mail although she rarely responds. Up to this point, walking has been about walking and occasionally meeting other dogs on our walks. However, in the last few days she has finally developed an interest in the environment, stopping to smell the grass along the way.
Football season has arrived and we have our bed positioned right in front of the tv for maximum viewing pleasure. Sometimes we even get to share the couch with Dad. We like watching both college and professional football. Dad has been much calmer since the ref situation has been resolved.
We hope to catch up on all your blogs soon.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Monday's News
We can't believe the Olympics is over. Mama wanted to be more active, but there has been lots of family stuff going on.
We celebrated our Grandpa's birthday not to long ago. He's visiting from Florida for the summer and we are so glad to spend time with him. For someone who hasn't spent much time with dogs, he truly has taken to his doggy grandkids. Mom and Dad are often surprised that we have charmed them so much.
On a sadder note, we went to visit one of our favorite relatives at the hospice center. Katy has never been to a nursing facitity before and she was so brave. All of you would have been so proud of her. She even let two older ladies pet her as she was leaving. She spent most of the time at the end of the bed guarding against intrustions. She really couldn't grasp the purpose for the visit. Bailey has had nursing home experience. He spent a good bit of time visiting my grandmother when she was staying in one. However, he is much closer to the person who is there now and you could tell it was troubling him when he realized who it was and where she was and he hopped up on the bed and snuggled with her for most of the visit. It was hard not to cry when you realized how much he understood. Bailey slept most of the afternoon away when he got home.
We thank everyone for raising our spirits during the Olympics. We enjoyed all the events.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Squirrel Hurdles
Welcome to the Blogville Squirrel Hurdles Event. Our athletes have been screened by the Olympic Commitee for bugs and are prepared for the event. While many would prefer to increase the odds of catching squirrels by having a nice clear approach to the squirrel most know their are obstacles and often hurdles that must be cleared to reach the elusive squirrel. Thus squirrel hurdles was born.
Our first participant is Corbin of Oh Corbin
Next up is Dante of All About Lacocoon Dante
Our next canidate is Goose of Gospel of Goose
Next to compete Lassiter and Benjamin of Lassiter Chase
Up next will be Lily Belle and Muffin of Lovable Lily
In the next round will be Molly of Molly The Wally
Our next athlete will be Nina of Bird Brains and Dog Tales
Appearing next will be Posie of Posie Dog
Ready to make the next round is Roo of Roo's Doins
Up next is Roxy of Downunder Daisy
Appearing next will be Sarge of Sarge Speaks Out
Next on the field is Storm of Charlene and Storm
Our final contestant for the 2012 Squirrel Hurdles Olympic event will be Tavish of Big Bubba and Baby Sister Blogger
We thank all the athletes for their participation and hard work in training for this event. Please pick up your medal and display it proudly on your blog.
Don't forget to visit DRAW your Peeple and the Snack Sack Race to cheer on the athletes as they have all worked so hard in their events.
Blogville Olympic Chat,
Blogville Olympic Events,
Blogville Olympic Squirrel Hurdles,
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Olympics,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Squirrel Hurdles
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Blogville Olympics Continues
We are having so much fun participating in events and visiting the other venues when we aren't competing in events. Today we participated in stick jumping which you can see the wonderful video of the event at Bert's here. We both participated in the event and really enjoyed this event.
We went and visited the Stick event over at Goose's and you can view the video here. The event features both singles and doubles events. It is well worth the time to visit. Tomorrow is Marathon Chewing and Digging. Looking at the list of events, we are hosting Squirrel Hurdles and it looks like our only remaining athletic event is the Tennis Ball one. We will be heading over to cheer on all the athletes at the events, though.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Mama is So Impressed
The Mama wants to congratulate all the hosts on the amazing jobs they have been doing on the Blogville Olympic events. Things have been a little crazy lately, but while we haven't been blogging as much as we hoped to during the games, we have been trying to travel to all the events and cheer on the athletes. The competitions have been wonderful. There are some amazingly talented animals out there.
We can't wait to start the Squirrel Hurdles.
Friday, July 27, 2012
The Blogville Olympics has Opened
Mom has been a bit busy lately, but we are so excited that the Olympics has begun. We lined up to participate in the Parade of Athletes which you can see at Posie's here. Then we heard an amazing speech by Mayor Frankie which you can find here. It was a wonderful way to kick off the Olympics. Then we were treated to Roo's Opening Extravaganza which you can find here.
After such a busy morning we will be getting in some practice for synchronized sleeping. We still feel this is our strongest event.
Don't forget to pick up your badge for the Olympics.
Blogville Olympic Chat,
Blogville Olympic Events,
Blogville Olympics,
Blogville Olympics Opening Ceremonies,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, July 23, 2012
Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue
Dog Rescue Success, Blog Catalog and btc4 animals are sponsoring a day for bloggers to raise awareness about dog adoption.
Since we are only in our current home due to the amazing work of rescue workers and foster parents associated with New England Sheltie Rescue we felt it was important to participate today.
There are lots of options for rescue. Mom and Dad really wanted Shelties, but were commited to using a rescue. With research they discovered they could do both. New England Sheltie Rescue provided them with a Sheltie puppy for Dad's first ever dog. Since he had never had a dog he really wanted a puppy for his first dog. Many people told Mom and Dad it was impossible to find a Sheltie pup, especially a pure bred, through a shelter or rescue. Well they were prepared to wait and then I popped up on the breed rescue site and they became doggy parents very quickly. Several years later, when I was lonely and needed a companion, Mom and Dad brought Katy home when she was two.
Mom and Dad have continued to support our rescue and also participate in local fundraisers for shelters and rescues. You may have seen our walk pictures. Shelters and rescues always need help. Financial support is always welcome. Check with your local shelter/rescue to discover what donations and volunteer work is needed. Even small efforts can help.
Those of us who have adopted have the ability to share our positive stories of pet adoption/rescue with others. We can encourage others as they ponder the process and support them through the application process and as they settle in with the new dog.
Bloggers Unite for Dog Rescue,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Sheltie Rescue Stories
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Blogville Olympic Squirrel Hurdle Entries are Closed
We realized we were missing an athlete. We technically have 13.
The Olympic Squirrel Hurdle trials are over and the contestants have been entered in the event. We have 12 athletes competing in Squirrel Hurdles and you can see the event here on August 8.
Corbin Oh Corbin
Dante All About Lacocoon Dante
Goose of Gospel of Goose
Lassiter and Benjamin of Lassiter Chase
Lily Belle and Muffin of Lovable Lily
Molly Molly The Wally
Nina Bird Brains and Dog Tales
Posie Posie Dog
Roo of Roo's Doins
Roxy Downunder Daisy
Sarge Sarge Speaks Out
Storm of Charlene and Storm
Tavish Big Bubba and Baby Sister Blogger
We have entered 8 events as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. You can see us competing in discus/frisbee, window art, couch potato peeling, cross neighborhood walkabout, critter stalking, pole jumping, synchronized sleeping, and the tennis ball event.
Blogville Olympic Chat,
Blogville Olympic Events,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Olympic Training Accident
Katy had to visit the vet yesterday after getting a splinter in her paw. She was quite a brave girl about the injury, but her training schedule has been drastically reduced to deal with her injury.
We think this would be a great time to get her sleeping and couch events finished.
Blogville Olympic Chat,
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Shelite Chat,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Blogville Olympics Squirrel Hurdles Athletes
Entries have begun to arrive and will be accepted until July 18 for the Squirrel Hurdles event. I will continue to update this page so you can check out the competitors for the medals in this event.
We are continuing to work hard on getting our entries in for our events as well.
Corbin Oh Corbin
Dante All About Lacocoon Dante
Goose of Gospel of Goose
Lassiter and Benjamin of Lassiter Chase
Lily Belle and Muffin of Lovable Lily
Molly Molly The Wally
Nina Bird Brains and Dog Tales
Roo of Roo's Doins
Roxy Downunder Daisy
Sarge Sarge Speaks Out
Storm of Charlene and Storm
Tavish Big Bubba and Baby Sister Blogger
So far we have registered for the discus/frisbee event, window art, opening and closing ceremonies, couch potato peeling, cross neighborhood walkabout, critter stalking, pole jumping, sycronized sleeping, and the tennis ball event. Mom realized our eyes were open for some of the sleeping/couch peeling event shots she wanted to use, so she will have to get those done hopefully before this posts.
Blogville Olympic Events,
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, July 9, 2012
Registration is Open for the Blogville Olympics
We are so excited that we can actually start sending and receiving photographs for Olympic events. You can find a list of event host posts here to find out where to register. Our event is the Squirrel Hurdles the information for the event is posted here. All entries for the Squirrel Hurdles can be sent to sheltietimes(at)yahoo(dot)com. Please pictures only as Mama cannot manage videos.
We will be posting and updating a list of athletes participating soon.
Blogville Olympic Events,
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Friday, July 6, 2012
Happy Birthday Mom!
Mom has a birthday this weekend. Katy wants to get her a bone basket, but Dad said no. He did indicate we might get bones if we behave to celebrate her birthday though. We still have time to come up with a great gift, but time is running out. It is so hard to know what to get.
The fourth of July was so fun. We had one of our favorite people stay over and spend the holiday with us. The rain delayed the start of the parade, stopped and only resumed at the very end of the parade, so Mom and Dad were happy to get to see it. We stayed home and practiced for the Olympic events.
We think this is one of our best synchronized sleeping shots yet. We are so excited that we can start entering photographs for the Blogville Olympics on July 9th!!
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Happy Birthday Greetings,
Happy Birthday Mom,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Fourth of July Plans
So what are your plans for the 4th of July?
One of our favorite people is staying over tonight to attend the parade with Mom and Dad tomorrow. Her town starts early and she would be blocked in if she did not escape tonight. It just means we have more time with her.
I used to go to the parade, but the muskets and the fire engines are too scary for Katy, so I stay home and protect her from the illegal fire crackers. Does anyone think fire engines have gotten louder? Just asking. They didn't seem so loud when I was a puppy.
Dad promises lots of dog time when they get back and more family coming for a cookout. So while we will miss out on the parade, there will be plenty of family time after.
Hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July.
4th of July,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
July 4th,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, July 2, 2012
Are You Busy Training for the Blogville Olympics?
Are you hard at work training for the Olympic events? We think the sleeping events are going to be our strongest. We are struggling with getting our opening and closing photographs. For some reason when one of us is sitting the other seems to want to flop down or stand up. For the standing photograph, well you get the idea. Perhaps as the deadline approaches we will find our inspiration.
You will be able to start sending in photographs soon. You can start emailing photographs to the event hosts on July 9th. We have a post here that lists the specific blog posts for the Blogville events so you can find all the information you need to know. Mama has not received all the info on the cat events so she has not been able to add those yet.
We are hosting the Squirrel hurdles and are looking forward to meeting all the contestants. You can find details to register for our event here.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Training Hard for the Olympics in Katy's Crate
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Blogville Olympics Where to Find the Events

Frankie has provided us with a list of events and I am trying to keep a list of event requirements and information as people post the events on their blogs. We don't want to miss out on registering and we thought others might find this helpful, too.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza
Parade of Athletes Event details here
Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears Event Details here
Swimming Event Details here
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style Event Details here
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout Event Details here
Catch me IF you Can Event details here
BEACH Ball Event Details here
Tues. July 31st
Gymnastics Event Details here
Couch Potato Peeling Event details here
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
DISCUS/frisbee Event Details here
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick(s Event Details here
Pole Jumping Event Details here
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing Event Details here
Digging Event details here
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting Event Details here
Keep Away Event Details here
Sun. Aug. 5th
Equestrian Event Details here
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
DE-Stuffing Event Details here
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies Event Details here
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
Event Details here
DRAW your Peeple Event Details here
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
Boxing Event Details here
EXTREME Weather Sports Event Details here
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track Event Details here
Snoopendous SniffAthon Event Details here
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony Event Details here
I know people are still working on preparing their events. However, I also want to make sure I have not missed listing anyone’s event posting either. It looks like I am missing event details on:
I do not know if Roo requires any participation in the opening
I have not been able to locate event links for the following events. Some may be coming, but I may have missed others.
Oscar’s Sleeping Events
Mona and Weenie -Tongue Curling/Raspberry AND Critter Stalking
Mayzie - Camera Avoidance Kae Kwon Do
Ruby and Penny - Roaching and Rolling
Lulu - Snack Sack Race
Mollie Jo - The Great Tennis Ball
Uji and Izzy - Bathtub Wrestling
I know we all want to support each other’s events, so I want to make sure we all know where to find them. I am hoping creating a list with the direct blog posts will make it easier for all of us to participate. Have a great Olympics everyone.
I will keep updating this page as I learn more. If you are hosting an event and your post is not listed, please leave the link in the comments and I will add it to the list.
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Olympics,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, June 25, 2012
Blogville Olympics Squirrel Hurdles

Track and Field events are always big at the human summer Olympics. Squirrel Hurdles is our contribution to the Blogville Olympics. For those lacking squirrels do not dismay. Squirrel chasing and the hurdles we encounter as we chase those squirrels inspired this event. We have jumped (hurdled) garden fences, hostas, day lilies, humans, dogs, rocks and all kinds of other natural hurdles in our efforts to keep our yard squirrel free. To enter this event we just want to see you clearing a hurdle. You can use any of those listed above or those found in your yard/play areas indoors or out. We are looking for natural hurdles rather than competition hurdles though. If you happen to want to hurdle a squirrel, real or stuffie, feel free. This event is designed to demonstrate the natural hurdling skills we show as we keep our yards critter free.
As with all Olympic events, you can begin entering by submitting your pictures on July 9 with the deadline for pictures to be received midnight of July 18th. This will allow All Blogville Olympic athletes to be SCREENED fur Bugs. No early or late entries will be accepted. Mom's computer does better with pictures rather than videos. Hosting a Blogville event has convinced us we need our own email account so we are asking for pictures to be sent to sheltietimes (at) yahoo (dot) com starting on July 9th.
While entries are due on July 18th, please come back on August 8th to view the outcome of the Squirrel Hurdles event. We expect it to be a tough competition. We know there are some amazing jumpers in Blogville.
The schedule of events and the blog locations for information on those events are available below.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza, Parade of Athletes, and Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout
Catch me IF you Can
Tues. July 31st
Couch Potato Peeling
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick (s)
Pole Jumping
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting
Keep Away
Sun. Aug. 5th
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
DRAW your Peeple
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
EXTREME Weather Sports
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track
Snoopendous SniffAthon
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony
We are going to try to see if we can find the links to the actual entry blogs and put up links for those, too.
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Olympics,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Squirrel Hurdles
Friday, June 22, 2012
Happy 4th Birthday Katy

Mom is so excited that Katy is having a birthday tomorrow. We have been promised doggy ice cream and other fun. It is supposed to be hot so probably not too much outdoor play.
Katy is taking it all in stride. While I get all excited about more toys and bones, Katy tends to take it in more slowly.
Can you believe Mom taught her to sit on my couch? Well I guess it is her birthday weekend and all.
The heat has been hindering out outdoor training for the Olympics. The heat wave is rumored to be breaking tonight with a thundershower. So, we should be back training for those outdoor events soon.
Dog Blog,
Katy's Birthday,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Baypath's Bark in the Park 2012 was a Wonderful Event

We wanted to get the information out about the Blogville Olympics yesterday, but we wanted to thank the Baypath Humane Society for sponsoring Bark in the Park at Hopkinton State Park. We spent Father's Day walking with our Dad and Mom to raise money for Baypath and got to do some other fun stuff while we were there.

This was us hanging out as we were waiting for the walk to begin. We met so many cool dogs. Many like us were adopted from rescue, others shelters like Baypath. We met a Sheltie alumnus of Baypath. He even walked in the parade of alumni's they had later. Mom was excited to meet a collie. The collie's owner was equally excited to meet Shelties as he had never met any. It made for an interesting exchange.

This walk was a little longer and hillier than the Whisker Walk or the other walks Mom has been doing as she recovers. She was quite tired when she was done. Therefore, after the walk, the humans got lunch and we rested and got quite comfortable and dirty in the black mulch. We looked like mulch creatures when we got up.
There were some fun booths and agility tryouts. Bailey did well at a sniffing event. Katy cheered from the sidelines.
Mom has finally admitted we will not be entering the Olympic swimming events and not due to the lack of water. We were allowed at the beach near the boat docks and while many dogs were wading and jumping in, we refused to put paw in the water although we did walk on the docks watching the other dogs enjoy the activity. The other Sheltie owner said his dog refuses to go near the water, too. We are hoping this makes our case stronger with Mom as she has been hopeful we would come to enjoy the experience.
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