Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Katy

Mom is so excited that Katy is having a birthday tomorrow. We have been promised doggy ice cream and other fun. It is supposed to be hot so probably not too much outdoor play.

Katy is taking it all in stride. While I get all excited about more toys and bones, Katy tends to take it in more slowly.

Can you believe Mom taught her to sit on my couch? Well I guess it is her birthday weekend and all.

The heat has been hindering out outdoor training for the Olympics. The heat wave is rumored to be breaking tonight with a thundershower. So, we should be back training for those outdoor events soon.


  1. Happy Birthday Katy - have a pawsome weekend

  2. Happy Birthday Katy! Hope you get a much needed cool down for your birthday.

  3. First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATY, second thanks for concern for my Bubby.

    Susie and At Home Bites

    Pees; Sidebites wish is for you to pass on the info about this problem, it is very serious, but handled quickly it can be cured, get it to your other blooger fruends that don't see our posts

  4. HAPPY BIRFDAY #4 TO YOU KATY... Tomorrow will be a BIG day fur you it sounds like.
    Now about that couch thingy... that would be a grrrreat pic fur Couch Potato PEELIN event...

  5. Happy 4th Birthday Katy! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with lots of ice cream!

  6. Happy Birthday Katy. Have a super fun day whether it's in or outside.

  7. Enjoy your big day tomorrow!!

  8. Happy Happy Birthday have a magical day!

    urban hounds

  9. Happy 4th Katy! I hope you have a terrific day!! Our heat wave broke last night with a big thunderstorm. :)

  10. Pawty like a rock star Katy!

    RA, Isis & Nanük

  11. Happy Birthday beautiful Katy! You look like a queen on the throne!

    Hope you have lots of ice cream too!

  12. Happy Birthday dear Katy , happy birthday to you.
    Best wishes Molly

  13. Happy Birthday Katy!! Enjoy your ice cream, its the BEST in this weather! :-)

  14. YAY KATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are just a little bit younger than me!!!!!!

    Hope you have a Super Sheltie birthday!!!

    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  15. Happy Birthday Katy! Hope you got lots of ice cream. Sounds pawsome!

  16. Happy Birthday Katy! Even though I am a little late, I hope you are still celebrating! :)


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