Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Mystery of the Drain Pipe

Normally Mama is very interested in mysteries when they are in books or movies. However, we have been trying to get her interested in one in her own backyard and she pretends as if it does not exist. We know she is terrified of snakes, but this mystery started when snow was on the ground and snakes don't do snow. Try telling that to Mama who is convinced he could have been wearing a parka with a down bootie to keep its tale warm. Mama has an aversion to the crawly ones.

However, this morning she did go out and snap pictures of the crime scene. While I tried to show her what was wrong, she still cannot figure out the problem.


  1. We always get chipmunks nesting in our drain pipes!

  2. I don't know how to solve THIS mystery either. Butt my MOM loves those same thingys as your mom does!!!

  3. I always chase chippy, the chipmunk up our drain pipes! BOL! Poor mom!!

  4. Good that you are on the case, the mystery will be solved soon

    Urban Hounds

  5. spring has sprung and all the critters are out and about. i chased birds on my walk with mom this morning..maybe your mom will get your drain figured out ~casey

  6. I LOVE mysteries!! Hope your mommy solves it soon! :)

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  7. Some little critters? How interesting!!! I'm sure you'll be a great help to your mom.

  8. Not sure what to tell you. We had a chipmunk running up our drain pipe, so Mommy bought those metal "Spiders", well that what she calls them, and put one in the bottom of the drain pipe. The "Spider" thing usually goes on the roof and it prevents leaves and stuff from going down the pipe. So, she bought one of them and put it at the bottom of the pipe. It kept the chipmunk out -- but unfortunately, she forgets to clean out the little leaves that goes down the pipe in the fall, and we kinda had a clog at the bottom of the pipe in the winter time. Wasn't too bad to unclog the bottom of the drain pipe. Not sure if that's a good solution or not, Mommy isn't to handy with stuff like that. Can't wait to see if you find a solution to your problem. Mommy just has to remember to keep checking on those "spiders" every once in a while to make sure little leaves and stuff don't get clogged in there.

  9. Uh Oh, mysterious critters! Good luck, I don't blame your mom for not wanting to deal with it.

  10. I stopped by to tell you that mommy said a snake once crawled up into the dryer exhaust pipe -- it made a really yucky smell in there after a while. After that, she closed up the hole with mesh. ;)

    Hope you had a very happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  11. Does Mr. Snake live there? Do you think St. Puptrick could chase them away for Mom?

  12. There has been something there even in the coldest snow which leaves Mr. Snake likely out of the running although she thinks he's hibrinating some where waiting for it to truly be safe. That being said a man dressed as St. Patrick was at a party next door and she is hoping he did chase all the snakes out of the neighborhood, not just bring them to our yard.

  13. Bailey we had a squirrel get in the air exhaust from our dryer and he ate his way out before we could get him out of the house. Mama has had her experience with creatures. Squirrel finally got out safely when Papa opened an escape route in the basement for him. We proceeded to chase him to the trees to make sure he was on his way home.


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