Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fleece Coats

By now most of you know of our obsession with fleece blankets. Mom loves to talk about it to everyone. However, as the temperatures in the house dropped to the low 50's the blankets were not helping. After all, it is hard to walk around, jump on things, and patrol with a blanket strapped around you. A Sheltie has work to do and cannot be tied down with a blanket, no matter how cold it may be inside the house.

When Mom and Dad got the word it would be Thursday before power was restored, they went to the camping store to get supplies. While they were out they stopped at Petco and Bailey got the Blue Fleece Coat and I of course got the Princess Pink One.

Mom was thrilled on two counts. First, the items were on-sale and second we actually wore them and did not try to tear them off when she put them on us. Then again we have not worn them since the heat came back on so we will have to see if they work as well when it is not freezing in the house, it is just cold outdoors.

Thankfully, heat was restored earlier than predicted. However, we now have our emergency coats.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dad Discovers the Fireplace

When the power went out over the weekend the heat stopped working and it got really cold. Dad and Bailey often visit a friend and have outdoor fires during the summer and fall, but we have never seen one indoors. When it started to get really cold, Dad's friend offered him some firewood to use in the hole in the wall Mom calls a fireplace.

Bailey and I were both a bit nervous. In all the time he's lived here Bailey says Dad has never tried to bring fire indoors. It was a rather scary experience. Fires get angry. They spit, they yell, and they jump around a good deal. The tempting part that was hard to avoid was that it was so warm. Mom moved our bed a safe distance away from the fire and you feel the heat when you sat on the bed.

While we weren't crazy about the fire in the beginning, by the time the power came back on, Katy and I were curled up in front of the fireplace, resting. We are glad Dad conquered fire.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Sent Us A Trick

Yes, folks this is me, Katy sitting in snow over Halloween weekend. There was no heat in the house and snow on the ground. It was supposed to be a lovely fall day. While I was not looking forward to strangers banging on the door demanding candy, I also was not prepared for freezing in the house when the heat went off on Saturday and did not come back until Monday night. Mom keeps telling Bailey and me we should be quite grateful as the power company was predicting we would be without electricity and thus heat until Thursday. She was doing the happy dance when it came back yesterday. She also says the strangers will not be coming to the door until Thursday either as the City postponed trick or treating.

We have many stories to tell all of you about our adventures in house camping. We hope all of you are safe and warm.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Papa Razi is back

Here we were enjoying a little fall cuddling after the colder night air is settling in when what should happen, but Papa sneaks in with the camera. We have been very good at avoiding the camera the last few weeks, much to Mama's dismay. However, we let our guard down and now look what happens?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Big Doll is Gone Now Mama is Working on a Smaller One

This one has headed back to the closet as we predicted yesterday. Only Mama's Aunt came and took her outfit away. We did not know that was on yesterday’s agenda.

Now this one has emerged. She is far more tempting. The big one might be nice to cuddle with on the floor, but this one you could travel with and move with you. However, do not think she cannot fight back. Those hands are sharp and pointy. Do not ask us how we know. We are pleading the fifth. We are not sure exactly what that gets us, but they always say that in the mystery shows Mom loves.

Mom even resorted to rolling the yarn into a ball because it was knotting. (Mom hates making yarn balls.) Katy was sure the ball was for her and every time Mom dropped it, Katy pounced on it. Mom was not amused. Yarn balling and untangling yarn are not her favorite tasks.

We need to resist the temptation to play with this little Ninja doll. Not only will Mom be upset, but that doll also packs a punch.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What is a Dog Supposed to Do With Dolls in the House?

What is it with these things that look like humans, but are not alive? Kids bring them to the house and the dolls sometimes make noises. That really freaks me out. Mom has them stored in the closet. She brings them out, tries clothes on them, takes pictures, gives the clothes away, and then they go back in the closet. They come in all sizes and she makes different kinds of clothes for them all the time. Does anyone know anything about these things she calls dolls? She lets us sniff them, but NO PLAYING with them. We played with one of the outfits she was working on yesterday and she was not at all pleased. Can we help it if it looked like a ball?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mama Can't Make Up Her Mind

She always complains that we are not willing to be in pictures. So, this time I hurry to get into the picture and she keeps trying to get me to move. I know deep down she really wants me in the photograph. After all, isn't Dad always chasing us around with the camera? Won't I just make the item all that more attractive? As you can see, they just couldn't resist snapping the picture and Mom isn't even posting the other pictures on her craft blog until next week.

Next time they had better not complain I am not cooperating.