Friday, June 24, 2011

Party Games

Bailey did not mention there would be party games. Dad and Mom were excited about this present. Bailey said he saw the box, but was not that interested because he could not tell what was in it. It did not smell like anything but plastic and cardboard so he did not think it was likely to be very interesting. He was so wrong.

Mom and Dad bought me the Nina Ottosson Dog Brick Interactive Dog Toy and they taught Bailey and I how to play with it at my birthday party. Mom said she was not sure how we would react to the toy. We had looked at it in the store and been casually interested. Once Mom added the treats Bailey and I were having a hard time waiting for our turn to try to find the treats hidden under the sliding panels.

I love that I can use my nose and my paws to find the treats. Bailey is quick at it and wanted to "help" me when it was my turn. Mom held him so I could have a chance to do it all by myself. Mom has promised we can play again soon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Katy!

While it is here, I am finally three. I am celebrating my birthday the first time! Bailey and I had the zoomies this morning. We kept leaping on the bed to get Mommy up. Daddy had to leave early so Mom said we would be celebrating tonight. Imagine having to go to work early for a meeting on my birthday! Dad and Mom did sing some silly birthday song though.

Bailey says he has seen my presents and there are some great gifts. It is not fair I have to wait until Daddy comes home. Mom promises there will be some special treats and fun during the day. It is raining so we will not be playing much outside. Bailey says the place we are going walking this weekend is fun. There are woods and many wonderful things to smell. I hope the weather is good so we can go.

I am not sure I can make it until Dad gets home. I feel a zoomie coming on.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Birthday Suggestions

I am going to be three on Thursday. I have never celebrated birthdays before. I never even knew how old I was until Mom and Dad started talking about age and birthdays. I learned about birthday presents when I saw the stack Bailey got and got to share his bones and play with his new toys. Mom and Dad then realized they needed to plan for my birthday, too. Bailey said this year was pretty low key as birthday's go.

So, what suggestions do you guys have for my birthday. Bailey says Mom and Dad have some cool presents tucked away. He thinks I should ask for a trip to a local park to go walking this weekend since I am not crazy about lots of visitors and crowds.

My dream would be a visit next door, but that is not happening. I am not sure I will ever have my dream play date, although we have met on-leash and we do sniff noses under the fence.

Any ideas?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blogger Award

Opie Mom's Blog gave us the Versatile Blog Award and we wanted to say thank you for considering us. We have really enjoyed the chance to become part of the pet blogging community and meet so many interesting pet bloggers. We also wanted to thank you for inspiring Mom to tell more stories about us.

A few months ago, a craft blogging colleague wrote a painful blog that she was harshly criticized for passing on similar awards without knowing if people wanted to play so it has made me more careful about how I approach these awards.

I have decided on a non-traditional approach. I am going to provide a link for those who want the original rules of the award here .Then I am going to use this time for my "award speech" to thank the people who have really helped me since I started this pet blog, these can be my award nominees for anyone who would like to participate. They can choose to participate or just accept my heartfelt gratitude for their kindness in this blogging journey. In that way people who want to continue the award to do so and anyone who wants to opt out can, too.

The Nominees:

In alphabetical order as not to offend:

Bailey be Good

Bailey be Good is the story of Bailey and Nala. Bailey is a remarkable storyteller. Her countdown to her first birthday was delightful to follow. Bailey's Mom has contributed to my blogger education dramatically. Her hard work and dedication to keeping us updated is greatly appreciated.

BZ Training

This blog follows the author's daily training shoots with her dogs. I find it challenging to comment because each day is an amazingly beautiful selection of photographs. I lack the ability to add much with my comments. I have learned a great deal by reading her commentary. I am impressed with her ability to analyze and discuss the assignments and her attempts in an honest and insightful manner. While I did not think I was capable of learning much about the differences she discusses, in the time I have been reading I am starting to understand some of the items she is pointing out as areas to be worked on in future shots. Not that I could ever attempt the shot, but it is interesting to realize after reading her blog I am just barely starting to see some of what she is talking about in her shots. I celebrate my personal growth.

Dakota's Den

While she is most know for her cat blog, we Sheltie families stick together. I love the pictures on Dakota's Den. I learned to add Word Press blogs to my Blogger follow so I could follow Dakota's Den. We know cats are big, but we think Shelties need a voice, too.

Dog Foster Mom

Bailey and Katy were both blessed in being part of a rescue that uses foster parents. Bailey came to us as a four-month puppy fully house broken. That was nothing short of miraculous in my mind.

I found Foster Mom's blog on one of the pet blog sites and started following. Her stories of rescue work and the pets needing homes are inspiring. Blogs like hers continue to educate and inform the public about the work involved with rescue and fostering pets.

Eva the Sheltie:

Eva was one of our first followers. She never fails to leave a supportive kind comment every day. She takes the most wonderful Sheltie photographs and tells beautiful stories of her life as a Sheltie princess. Katy finds that particularly inspiring.

Key West Collies

I recently started following Key West Collies after reading about the blog on another blogger’s website. I followed the story through the loss of a beloved collie to the beginning of a relationship with a new puppy. The updates have been wonderful and I look forward to watching this dog grow.

Kohl's Notes

Kohl's Notes was discovered after joining a few pet blogging communities. This story of Kolchak Puggle combines humor and education. I have learned a great deal by reading of Kolchak's Mom's efforts to cook and bake for this most cared for Puggle.

My Brown Newfies

This is another blog I discovered during my blog community explorations. I have never met a Newfoundland. The pictures on this blog are amazing. The stories told in the pictures almost do not need words they are so well done. I realized as I was making a list, that this blog was not on my follow list so I corrected that.

Sara's Blog

Who can resist Chewy and Oreo's antics? I have to visit daily to see my favorite puppy and watch Oreo learning to interact with the pup. Chewy has given me that Auntie experience. I can enjoy the puppy from afar knowing our next rescue is likely to be Katy's age. We will not be doing the puppy thing again. I also have loved watching the training videos. They have given me some great ideas for working with Katy and Bailey.

Two Grad Students and a Pittie

I really have not known too many Pitt bulls. Sadly, the few I have met have not been well trained. I have really enjoyed meeting responsible Pitt bull bloggers who can share their experiences and explain what they have done differently. This blog is a great advocate for Pitt ownership.

I must say I love the stories they tell. They make living in the city an adventure and I look forward to reading the adventures of the dental and law student as Havi waits for them to be free to play.

I am grateful for all of your support and encouragement, as I have started this Sheltie blog. It has been a fun journey so far and I am hopeful that it will continue to be even more rewarding.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Doggy Daddy's Day

Dear Dad,

We take this occasion to thank you for all the wonderful doggy Daddy things you do.

You dig snow paths so we go out back in the winter.

The grass is kept short in the summer.

There are always bones and treats in the doggy cabinet.

You like long walks and understand the need to respond to dog messages.

There is never a time when a ball does not trigger interest in playing.

There are so many things we could say, but we would much rather spend the time playing than having you read. We just want you to know we love you and want you to have another wonderful year with us.


-Katy & Bailey

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Picture Thiefs

Bailey be Good was kind enough to inform the pet community of an attack on our personal property yesterday. I wish I could say this is the first time I have had Internet property stolen. Sadly, it is not.

I am committing to learning more about protecting myself and fighting back. If you want pictures, there are legitimate sites that offer free pictures. Morgue Files is one place to go for free pictures. There are others if you do not wish to take your own or pay for use. You do not just go to random blogs and websites and steal from others.

I have written about people stealing on my craft blog. Sadly, I did not anticipate the need to write about it on my dog blog. I own the pictures, they are not free to use just because you happen to like them. It is called STEALING.

There is a completely new skill set I need to learn to protect my blogs from people who cannot understand the idea of property rights. Not that I had other plans for this week I needed a new project. Thankfully, there are wonderful people in the blogging community willing to share their knowledge. Unfortunately, all acknowledge no system is safe against people willing to steal the work of others. However, we can make it as challenging as possible.


After following Bailey be Good's lead I contacted the publisher yesterday and while I am reviewing the only pictures still showing on the site are the ones with Blog Paws URL's. While all of them have my name, not all of them are my pictures or were on my page there which confuses me. I also am not sure if these can be removed without Blog Paws complaining. I have not been able to find any Sheltie Times URL's on the page.