Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Thunder Boom Toys

Mom is fascinated by the idea that I don't often play with toys, but toys are comforting when you are feeling stressed. During a big thunder and lightning storm I found a great thunder toy. During the loudest booms I chewed and somehow survived the storm.

I needed a rest after the storm.


  1. That's a good idea! We've been getting lots of rain and dark clouds, but most of the thunder storms passed to the south of us. Hope those thunder storms don't bother you again for a long time!

  2. We are happy you have an outlet for your nervousness!! Jakey totally gets it!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  3. Hmmm, maybe we will try this, thunderboomers scare effuryone here. Play bows,


  4. What a great idea! We're glad it makes you feel better!

  5. That is a FABulous idea! We don't gets many of those around here, butts I keep it in mind next time.....Ma would appreciate it, rather than me barking ☺
    Ruby ♥

  6. So glad you found something to help you through the storm
    Hazel & Mabel

  7. Dakota doesn't love storms and gets quite stressed, the problem is, he doesn't like chew toys anymore either. Hmmm...maybe I should put peanut butter on it and give it to him during a storm. I might try that. Thanks for the idea!


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