Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday Mischief: The Bed Wars

That blue rectangular mat Annie is laying on is Katy's bed. It is the only bed she uses in the entire house. The look you see on this face is patience, tolerance and love, but big sisters evenutally do teach little sisters lessons.

Annie loves to do anything to get Katy to notice her, pay attention to her, play with her. For the most part Katy is a good big sister, gentle and caring. However, every so often big sister fights back. This was Bailey's bed. He actually won it in a contest at a shelter fundraiser and he and Katy would sometimes share it. When he passed Katy would lay next to it, but she wanted nothing to do with sleeping in it. She has a small egg crate mat with a sports fleece covering that lies right in front of a heat vent. In order to vex her Annie has been stealing her spot. Until recently Katy has never retaliated.

I came in the room one day to find Katy has reclaimed the right to use all beds. Annie is not sure she likes what she has set in motion.

Friday, January 12, 2018


You might have heard we had a bit of a snow storm a week ago Thursday. A foot of snow cookies was dumped into our back yard. We would have been delighted but then the temperatures dropped into single digits so it became too cold to enjoy our regular snow activities. It also kept Mom inside and refusing to go outside for pictures until it got above single digits. However, she did eventually get outside and take some pictures.

We do enjoy the snow track that Dog Dad makes for us. When the weather is bad it is nice not to have to make our own. However we do like exploring the rest of the yard as the weather allows it.

Have you ever noticed door service is slower on cold day?

Warm and comfy inside. Hey what are you doing in my bed? More on that on Monday.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday: The Christmas Card Wreaths 2017

Mom didn't actually get a picture of the filled second Christmas wreath until after Christmas. She actually got a few cards after Christmas and since the wreath was still up they were added to the wreath and displayed until the decorations came down last weekend. A big thanks to all of you who sent cards this year. It really is a mood booster to see the cards come in and it also is a conversation starter during the Christmas Eve party. Everyone always mentions the wreaths.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year everyone. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. We are slowly getting back from ours which was extended with cold weather and Mom's slow return to writing again. So, expect some flashback posts as we delve into what you've missed while we've been gone. Mom likes to go back and reread our entries so she finds even updating the old stuff is worth doing.

We held our yearly New Years eve game night with one of our favorite dog friendly family members. Dog Dad struggled to get us into our hats for our yearly New Years pictures.

The best thing are the New Years treats. At midnight when everyone toasts we get a dog treat to start the New Year right.

As for New Years resolutions.

Play in the snow

Eat lots of snow

Don't get caught when we cause trouble

Get lots of treats

Limit Vet visits by staying healthy

That seems like a good starter list for us.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

We wish all of our Blogvile friends a merry, happy, healthy, and safe Christmas. Hope Santa was good to all of you.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Wrapping

Katy here for some reason Annie has completely unreasonably loud reactions to certain normal household sounds like for instance TAPE!!! You can only imagine how wonderful it makes this time of year and of course the prep for birthdays and other gift giving occasions. As you can see she's losing it while Mom is wrapping the last of the Christmas presents while I her loving sister am trying to calm her down. I hope Santa isn't seeing this as she was also chewing on Dad's shoes again this week.

Here's Mom trying to demonstrate to Annie that the tape is in fact harmless.

Then clueless as ever, what was it I was barking about again?

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Helping Decorate the Tree

Mom often thinks we aren't helpful when it comes to Christmas decorating but look at me cleaning up an ornament before it goes on the tree. Santa are you watching?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

First Christmas Card Wreath Full

Well our first Christmas Card Wreath reached capacity yesterday and Mom had to start putting cards in the second card wreath. We thank all our friends and family for their thoughtful cards.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Baby It's Windy Outside

We are glad the Tuesday rains are gone. However Wednesday brought a cold wind. Mom kept trying to catch Annie's lion look, but didn't quite get the capture she was hoping for as she was doing her morning cleanup. Katy's hair doesn't spread out quite as wide as Annie's does in the wind. Annie's gets a wild look to it.

The rain did desimate our snow pile a bit. While we want more for Christmas Mom reminds us our two Grandmas and one Grandpa have yet to arrive so weather is a factor in them making it safely to see us this Christmas. So we have to find out how to make our request specific, more snow cookies only at times that don't interfer with holiday travel. This is a good deal to expect from a dog but we are working on it. We don't want to miss seeing the grandparents on Christmas.

Dog Dad dropped the last of the Christmas Cards off at the post office for the Blogville Card exchange unless we discover we have people sending us cards we didn't expect. Mom has a few other cards to get done but she's moving along. Wrapping is the next big project. Since Annie has an objection to the sound of tape this is a really interesting project.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Card Wreath

The Christmas Card Wreath is beginning to fill. We finally got our Christmas Cards made and all our digital cards have gone out. Mom didn't have a complete supply of stamps so the first batch of cards will be leaving today. Dog Dad will be picking up stamps today so we can send out the rest hopefully tomorrow depending on weather. However, our cards should be heading out to all of you this week.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Our First Snow Track of the Year

Our first Christmas wish was granted. Snow cookies were delivered last night. Mom and Dad weren't as happy as their Saturday plans were disrupted. We however enjoyed the first delicious snow cookies of the season.

Sunday Dog Dad got out the noisy snow blower and created a nice wide snow track for us. Of course that doesn't stop us from going off into the deeper snow, but it gives us a starting point if we are feeling less than enthusiastic about going out into the cold.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blogville Holiday Card Exchange

We love the Blogville Holiday card exchange and this year we swore we were going to be registered before Lassiter Chase and Benjamin had to remind us. However, Mom has been hunting since Halloween to find out about the card exchange and couldn't find a thing as it has a new host this year. Thankfully we have pawesome Sheltie buddies in Lassiter and Chase and they posted on our blog Monday to tell us how to sign up. So we thought it only fair to share with others who might be as clueless as we.

This year the Blogville card exchange is being hosted at Kylascott and you can find all the info you need to sign up here. The deadline to sign up is November 17 so you'll want to get your information in soon.

Looking forward to posting all my cards and seeing everyone else's card piles too.