Bailey and Katy came to us as rescues. We lost Bailey in June of 2016 and Katy in November of 2022. We were blessed to have Annie join us in August of 2016. They have brought great love and joy to our immediate family and to extended family and friends. This blog will share their stories and issues related to Shelties. Some told from their perspective and others told from those that share this journey with them. Notice: This blog does have Amazon product links and Google Adsense
Showing posts with label Christmas Card Wreath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Card Wreath. Show all posts
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Thankful Thursday: The Christmas Card Wreaths 2017
Mom didn't actually get a picture of the filled second Christmas wreath until after Christmas. She actually got a few cards after Christmas and since the wreath was still up they were added to the wreath and displayed until the decorations came down last weekend. A big thanks to all of you who sent cards this year. It really is a mood booster to see the cards come in and it also is a conversation starter during the Christmas Eve party. Everyone always mentions the wreaths.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
First Christmas Card Wreath Full
Well our first Christmas Card Wreath reached capacity yesterday and Mom had to start putting cards in the second card wreath. We thank all our friends and family for their thoughtful cards.
2017 Christmas Card Exchange,
Blogville Christmas Card Exchange,
Christmas Card Wreath,
Christmas Card Wreath 2017,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Shelltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Christmas Card Wreath
The Christmas Card Wreath is beginning to fill. We finally got our Christmas Cards made and all our digital cards have gone out. Mom didn't have a complete supply of stamps so the first batch of cards will be leaving today. Dog Dad will be picking up stamps today so we can send out the rest hopefully tomorrow depending on weather. However, our cards should be heading out to all of you this week.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Christmas Card Wreath
Our first wreath is filled and our second wreath is filling up. We don't have a card count, but Mom and Dad have had a slight increase in cards this year. Clearly Blogville has them beat, but Mom is pleased her card count is up as well.
This is one of Mom's favorite Christmas decorations every year. It is familiar but different every year based on what people send. It also makes her smile as she looks at it during the season.
Blogville Chistmas Card Exchange,
Blogville Christmas,
Card Wreath,
Card Wreath 2016,
Christmas Card Exchange,
Christmas Card Wreath,
Christmas Card Wreath 2016
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Card Wreath is Full
Thanks to a pile of cards that arrived yesterday, our second card wreath is full. The card wreath has slots that will accept more cards so if your card is on the way it will have room. The point is there won't be any holes in the wreath as Christmas arrives.
It is much harder to get a shot of this card wreath because it is located in a hallway. Mom did her best, but she couldn't quite get all the cards in and she apologizes.
We are trying to be really good as we wait for Santa to come. It seems like it's taking forever. Dad's parents arrived on Saturday and Mom's Mom is coming to the state today. That means lots of goodies on Christmas Eve, even before Santa comes.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Monday Mischief: The Christmas Card Wreath
Well it was a busy but productive weekend. Mom and Dad finally got into Christmas mode.
Friday they left us home and took the great niece and nephews to the Christmas tree lighting. The little ones got to visit with Santa who arrived on a fire engine to open the festivities. We didn't get to go because it was incredibly crowded.
Saturday we finally got to see Santa at the Baypath Rescue fundraiser. Can you believe it Santa remembered us!! With all the dogs he sees we didn't expect he'd remember us. I guess he doesn't see many Shelties and who knew Santa has a thing for Shelties. Santa even remembered to rub Katy's side so she stopped being scared. We got to our picture taken with Santa and then we got to go shopping in the store that hosted the event. We found lots of cool toys to suggest for Santa toys and we also pointed out some bully sticks that might be interesting.
Mom and Dad finally got our card wreaths put up and the first one only has our cards in it so far. I suspect we'll fill the first one before Mom even gets one card in it.
They also got the tree up this weekend so the holiday decorations are coming along. Next weekend we are helping one of the great nephews celebrate his birthday. We love birthday parties because Dog Dad always gets us cookies to celebrate with the birthday child. The tradition is the birthday kid gives us the cookies before he/she has birthday cake. We don't get bakery cookies often so we are looking forward to it.
Happy Chanukah to all our friends celebrating. We hope the holiday is filled with joy, happiness, and wonderful memories as you celebrate with family and friends.
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Baypath Humane Society,
Christmas Card Exchange,
Christmas Card Wreath,
Dog Blog,
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Mischief Monday,
Monday Mischief,
Shelite Blogs,
Sheltie Blog
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Second Card Wreath Almost Full
Wreath 2
Well friends while we clearly dominated the first card wreath, Mom's friends and family came through in a big way for wreath two and she clearly took round 2. There is still time as we have a couple of days for cards to come in and I think her supply is about dried up, but we shall see what Mr. Postman brings.
Wreath 1
Tomorrow is our big Christmas celebration. Our big celebration is on Christmas Eve. Friends and family will start arriving in the morning and some will leave early Christmas morning to return to their own homes. It's a long and fun day of Christmas cheer. Then Santa Paws will come and we will wake in the morning to discover what he brought.
Mom is going to try to prepost our Christmas greetings. If she doesn't we just want to wish all of you a safe and merry Christmas.
Well friends while we clearly dominated the first card wreath, Mom's friends and family came through in a big way for wreath two and she clearly took round 2. There is still time as we have a couple of days for cards to come in and I think her supply is about dried up, but we shall see what Mr. Postman brings.
Wreath 1
Tomorrow is our big Christmas celebration. Our big celebration is on Christmas Eve. Friends and family will start arriving in the morning and some will leave early Christmas morning to return to their own homes. It's a long and fun day of Christmas cheer. Then Santa Paws will come and we will wake in the morning to discover what he brought.
Mom is going to try to prepost our Christmas greetings. If she doesn't we just want to wish all of you a safe and merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Our First Card Wreath is Full
Thank you to all our friends who have been helping us to fill up our card wreaths. As you can see, the first one is full and Mom has started on filling up the second one. We of course are responsible for most of the first card wreath. However, Mom has had a respectable showing this year from her crochet online friends who have been sending cards, too.
She wanted us to note that the first two cards in the second wreath are actually not dog cards, the third one was and another arrived after this was taken that was also Mom's. We have also received several e-cards that Mom has shown us and we thank all of you for sending those, too.
We are hopeful both wreaths will be filled before the season is over and we will get pictures posted so everyone can see.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Our First Card
Well after discussions with Dad, we agreed Mom might have received the first card, but we have the honor of having our card hung on the card wreath first since Mom lost hers. Our good friends Lassi and Benji's card arrived yesterday and we were very excited to get it all hung up.
With Mom's help, we finished addressing and stamping all our cards and hers too, yesterday. Dog Dad took the last of them to the post office this morning. We even got our e-cards sent to those who live outside the US. Now we have to get serious about decorating, as in where did Mom pack our Christmas toys. Now that the turkeys have made their way back into the Thanksgiving box it is about time we got our Christmas toys out of those big boxes.
We are all excited for choir practice. We can't wait to find out what we will be singing. Katy's hoping we will go Christmas Caroling. She has heard people will offer you treats at the door, kind of like Halloween.
Card Score Parents 1 Dogs 1
Blogville Card Exchange,
Blogville Choir,
Christmas Card Exchange,
Christmas Card Wreath,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Card Exchange,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, December 1, 2014
The Card Wreath is Up
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was delightful. Lots of attention. However, Dog Dad forgot to buy us birthday cookies. We celebrate a birthday on Thanksgiving and we are used to getting special bakery cookies on birthdays. As soon as the birthday song started, we sat down very nicely and waited for the cookie. No cookie came and Mom realized why we were being so respectful. Then she offered us one of our regular cookies. We were very disappointed. Birthday girl got her birthday pie, but we made sure Dog Dad won't forget us for the upcoming birthdays we will be celebrating this month.
Over the holiday weekend, Mom and Dad started transforming the house from Pilgrim themed to Christmas central. Katy has become fascinated with the tree this year and it is making Mom a bit nervous. She has realized she's just short enough that she can walk around the Christmas tree and scrape the branches on her back getting a little back rub. Of course, this also knocks ornaments and risks knocking over the tree, but every bit of fun has some hazards. Mom's not seeing it that way.
After the tree, one of the first things Mom insisted had to be out was the card wreaths. She has been busily addressing Christmas cards to friends and family all weekend. Three stacks have been mailed. We are still working our paws to the bone working through the Blogville list, but we will get all of you your cards soon.
We are having a debate with Mom. Technically, she got the first card of the season from one of her crochet friends before Thanksgiving. However, in the great Thanksgiving clean up the card has gone missing. Since she can't find it to put it in the card wreath we aren't sure it counts. Mom says it does. The debate continues.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Christmas Card Wreath
Well Mama has filled the first Christmas card wreath and has moved on to the second wreath cardholder. This is why the card exchange is one of her favorite traditions. It does make for a really pretty house decoration that every who visits comments on as they see all the beautiful cards.
Mom finished off all the cards yesterday and Dad brought home a boat load of stamps to get the second batch of cards mailed out. Mom also sent out e-cards to those who live outside the US border. She wanted to make sure everyone got remembered. Hopefully, all of you will be getting your cards soon, even with the bad weather making postal deliveries challenging.
We are finally getting a decent supply of snow cookies. Dad is worried we are due for an overabundance of snow cookies this weekend. We are torn. Grandma and Grandpa are flying in so we need the skies to be clear for them to get here safely. However once they are to their destination, we want a big storm because Mom and Dad have plans to be busy all weekend and we want them home with us. Mom keeps saying Santa wouldn't like our attitude and something tells us she has an in with the big guy.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The Card Wreath is Up

Well Mama is doing better in this card contest this year than last year. So far, we are of course winning 7-3, but that is closer than last year.
A note from the Mama, with the warm weather we've had an higher than normal level of moths. Bailey is ignoring them, but Katy has taken to hunting them down and batting them out of the air with her paws and then biting them to make sure they fly no more. She takes no moth prisoners.
Papa has been pulling the Christmas boxes out of the attic, which can mean only one thing, the turkeys, will soon be headed to the attic. While we know Mama will be pulling out our special Christmas only toys, we hate to say goodbye to our Gobbling friends. It seems they stay such a short time each year.
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