Monday, July 25, 2011

This Garden Thing Has its Moments

Mom and Dad spend more time outdoors. This weekend Mom and Dad were actually on the garden swing. OK they forgot to bring the cushions out and I ended up in Mom's lap instead of sitting on my favorite comfy spot. However, despite the heat they are still outside with us.

Dad is excited because he had enough veggies to make a salad. He had cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, green onions, and peppers. The tomatoes are still green, but he was happy with the harvest. He has an eggplant close to done and Mom is thinking parmesan. What does this have to do with us? Well as Mom always tells us, happy well fed parents make for happy Shelties. When they are eating healthy, they have more energy for playing with us and you know it is all about us.

No additional critter incursions to add to my weekend report. Katy and I have been vocal this weekend. I suspect that has helped keep down the visits. Human activity also makes them less likely to wander in and attack the plants.


  1. Sounds like your vegetable garden is growing very well!!!

    You two are doing a wonderful job keeping unwanted critters out of the area!

  2. What a delicous salad you can make with all those fresh veggies! Yum! I love this time of year when everything tastes so fresh.

  3. The fresh veggies sound great!! We did not plant anything this year & we are now regretting it. Have you two tried any of the veggies? Our pups love zucchini & squash :)

  4. Sounds like a good salad and a good weekend. Hope the heat wasn't too bad either!

    Happy Monday!

    woos, Tessa

  5. Woof! Woof! It was too HOT to be sitting out in our backyard this weekend BUT we got tomatoes on our veg pots. Happy MONDAY! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Wow, glad that cat didn't stomp on all your vegetables. Glad your folks still had some vegetables left in the garden! Keep up the good work keeping the cat away from the garden!

  7. Salad stuffs are good - maybe you can try a little green pepper? Mom let a piece fall off her pizza the other night and I grabbed it up - delicious! (And ps, now she's trying to teach me something called "LEAVE IT." :)

  8. " happy well fed parents make for happy Shelties. " I LOVE your philosophy! It is making me want to go and have a snack lol.

    Your garden sounds as if it is wonderful!!!!
    I think my sugar snap peas have seen better days. They didn't do super well, I got a few peas from the vine but not many. I just picked a few blooper plants today and threw them out.

    My tomatoes are quite green as well, they have a ways to go yet.

    My hot peppers are doing wonderfully! I am freezing them and saving them for winter sauces, soup and chili.

    ((((((hugs)))) to your babies!


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