This looks like a harmless bulkhead, but I have been warning Mom and Dad for months that it harbored the most feared garter snakes. Yes, not deadly or really even harmful, but greatly feared in this house. Neither Mom nor Dad are fans. Not just one, but a family was living here. I barked, I walked up on it, I sniffed, I scratched, but nobody would pay attention to my snake alarm. We had snakes.
Then came the niece who rescued us when Mom was in the hospital. Mom and Dad asked her if she would help clear the veggie gardens for planting since Mom is under doctor's order to do no physical stuff for a while. While she is terrified of spiders, she has no issue with snakes. Now I had a partner to work with on getting the snake issued solved.
While she and Dad were working on getting the gardens cleared Mom told Dad she thought I might be on to something and sure enough while the bulkhead was clear earlier, when Dad checked after my warnings a snake had dropped in for a visit. We even learned that snakes can climb stairs. The first snake was relocated much to Mom's relief. I however, knew this was not an isolated bachelor or bachelorette. This snake had family. When the bulkhead was closed I put nose to the ground and found another snake. When they took a break from veggie gardening Dad could not believe there were two, but Mom convinced him to check. This one tried to twist himself into a place where he could not be pulled out. However, my barking and her quick speed had that snake relocated as well. They eventually went back to gardening, but I knew we were not done. These snakes are tricky.
Sure enough, I found the scent and Mom had Dad come over and only Mom and I really believed there would be another. This one was small and angry. It had plans and no desire to relocate. He tried to bite and I rushed down the stairs in full attack mode. Nobody bites my snake wrangler. The snake moved out of its protective area allowing it to be trapped and again relocated. We found one more outside the bulkhead, but it was worm sized and too small to catch.
It is so wonderful to finally be listened to and have a partner who is not afraid to deal with these snakes. Katy patrolled the back fence all afternoon to prevent the snakes from coming back. We hope they like their new digs better. We do not want them in the yard again.
Dad has since cleaned out what Mom called the snake garden and put an Eggplant in it since there was no room for it in the Veggie gardens. Mom and Dad's niece has promised to come back and remove any other snakes that might decide to make an appearance. It is so good to have a partner in your work.