Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We Move From Peanut Butter to Cheese

Since the discovery of peanut butter, Bailey has been uncomplicated about taking pills. Recently Katy discovered the secret of the peanut butter and while she will lick the pill clean, she will no longer take pills with peanut butter. We have moved on to cheese.

Bailey is still oblivious to the issue. Human food is a rare treat. Encounters with human food have not been friendly. He loves cheese and peanut butter. Katy is still suspicious so she gets an occasional cheese treat with no pill and some are the real deal. I am not sure where we go when if she starts refusing cheese.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Katy Sniffs a Foot

Our weekend visit went off well, better than expected. Katy did not do as many laps as expected. In fact once the adults left, she showed a great deal of curiosity about our guest. Once they went outside, she was happy to chase thrown balls and Frisbees regardless of who was doing the tossing.

The decisive moment came when Katy came up to our guest and sniffed her shoe without fleeing in terror. I have no idea what it was about the shoe or owner that was fascinating, but she had trouble giving in to her fear when those shoes were so tempting to sniff.

I realize there are some dogs that are shy and never overcome that personality trait. Katy seems conflicted. She wants the attention, but fear holds her back. This weekend she made big strides forward. I believe she will overcome this and be able to be more comfortable in company

Our young guest wants to come to the Whisker Walk with us in June. It might be a chance for the two of them to spend some time outdoors engaged in activities that would help them get closer.

Pictures may not be used without permission.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Why No Doggy Friendly Museums?

We were so excited. Mom and Dad said we were having a guest come to see us on this weekend. Then she told us the bad news. They are going to the Science Discovery Museum in Acton and we cannot go because no dogs are allowed. We hear this all the time and it does not seem to bother Mom and Dad. They constantly pick sites that exclude us. Can you believe it?

Mom did say there she will take us to the Whisker Walk in Lancaster which is something like a fair in June, but just when is June! It is tomorrow we want to be included in the activities. Dad reminded us we do go to concerts on the common in the summer every week with Grandma and Grandpa. That is cool. Summer is still a long time away. Dad promises we will play ball and Frisbee with our weekend guest. I guess that is the best we can have to look forward to this time.

There must be many activities to explore at one of these museum places. We could learn about the science involved with a dog Frisbee catch. We of course would want this to be paws on minds on project. We could visit an exhibit exploring the physics of squirrel chasing. Again, activity would be essential to the success of the exhibit. How about a room full of doggy puzzle toys? Mazes? The possibilities are endless. Mom is not very encouraging about this situation.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mom's Sick

We tried some of our best Sheltie nursing tricks yesterday, but Mom still went to bed saying her head hurt and she was too tired to stay awake. We tried all our best doggie remedies, cold noses to sooth her head, snuggling with her, the toy test to see how sick she was, poking her to check her breathing. Daddy said she was better this morning, but not to bother her.

We were prepared for a dull day when noises burst outside. Our friend is getting some work done on his fence and Mommy declared she could not sleep and so what Sheltie medicine could not accomplish a Lab fence did. Mommy is up!!!!

She does not seem nearly as excited as we are though.

Pictures may not be used without written permission.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Easter Bunny Brings Treats

I was highly suspicious when Bailey talked about a bunny that bought bones and toys. Bailey is not known for liking things that hop and jump. Why would a bunny bring him bones and toys? However, he says it has something to do with Easter and just to accept it and enjoy what comes.

Katy has to have an explanation for everything. Why question when a rawhide football and ball show up? Who else would bring a mini squirrel house that she can carry? Accept the gifts before the bunny changes his mind and gives them to someone else.