Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Mischief: Katy's New Bed

Katy has always been challenging when it comes to trying new things. It isn't that she doesn't eventually like them, but she has to be pushed to try something. Then nothing comes between her and the things she's adopted and don't pretend she ever didn't love it. Thus is the challenge of trying to see if she truly doesn't like something or if she just is challenged by the idea it is new and different.

It has become clear that the bed we bought for her when she was adopted is clearly not the bed of her dreams. Bailey had an early version of the same bed and loves it. Katy has never taken to it. She has always been a side sleeper and needs a bed she can spread out on. She and Bailey have a couple of mat beds downstairs that she loves, so we decided it was time to get her something she'd use upstairs during regular sleeping hours. However, bribery is involved.

She spends a little time each morning with a bone to get used to the bed. So far she seems far more interested in this bed than in any previous option we've tried. However, she hasn't surrendered just yet. She is still sleeping on the floor.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Evil Cancer Strikes Uncle Shadow

Dear Paw Friends we are asking for all your dog prayers and wishes. Our Grandma's best pal Shadow, a Miniature Schnauzer has terminal cancer and grandma is devastated. Shadow gave Grandma the strength to get through the loss of Grandpa to cancer and she just lost her sister, Mom's Aunt, to cancer a couple of years ago. We are praying that Shadow has an easy trip over the Rainbow Bridge and that Grandma is able to deal with another loss to the evil cancer.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wordy Wednesday: What to Do When Thomas the Tank Engine Invades Your Home

We have been away from blogging most of the summer and once again Mom apologizes. She's been off doing PT for her hip and knee and long stretches at the computer seem to aggravate the condition.

This picture was taken a few weeks ago when one of our favorite littles was visiting. He keeps a supply of Thomas Wooden trains at our house and while Bailey loves playing engineer with him, Katy is a bit more wary of where those train tracks and trains are traveling. While the small one was also thrilled with the construction equipment that was working down the street, including the highlight of the day, a street sweeper, Miss Katy decided a place of retreat was required from those dangerous machines. She tried to convince the little one he needed to join her, but no luck there. The little sheep do not recognize the dangers some times.

Blog Paws is hosting the Hop here

Monday, July 27, 2015

DeCordova Park and Sculpture Museum Goes to the Dogs

Hi folks we have had a busy summer and haven't posted much, but we wanted those of you in the Massachusetts area to know about a art event that we can actually attend. Yes, Mom and Dad often go out leaving us at home with the excuse, that they don't allow dogs. However, while they were at an evening event at the DeCordova Museum in Lincoln, MA they discovered a special evening for dogs and their humans.

Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30 PM there is going to be a walk and tour with the curator. You have to promise to be on your best behavior to walk through the outdoor park. According to Mom and Dad the walks are amazing. They were in their dress up clothes last time so they were limited in how much walking they could do. This time they plan on wearing more exploring clothes so they can see more of the outdoor park. If you live in the are and want to find out more about the event there is more information here.

We hope the event is well attended and everyone behaves so more places will think of offering events like this so we can go with Mom and Dad instead of being told we have to stay home because dogs aren't allowed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday Katy

Happy Birthday Katy!!! We are so happy to celebrate your birthday with you today!!!

Honestly folks I thought Mom would forget to post my birthday with all that's been going on lately. Bailey and I stayed at an amazing doggy B & B this weekend. (Well that's what we called it, Dad says it was technically not a B&B as we had dinner there. However, if you saw this place, it could pass for a human B&B. Pool side seating and access to an all the first floor rooms in an old colony house.) It was a wonderful overnight stay and a perfect get away for my birthday while Mom and Dad attended a wedding we weren't invited to attend.

We've been spending lots of time with family lately and I've learned I like little ones. Who knew herding little humans could be so much fun. Not crazy about the screaming or the crying, but little people are kind of cool after all. The funny thing though is they want to share my toys, but they won't share their toys. Doesn't seem quite fair. However it is kind of cool that they like to throw balls and they don't seem to tire of doing the same thing over and over like adult humans. We seem to tire of the toss and chase game before the little tikes. That never happens when the adults play fetch with us.

Dog Dad has promised Bailey and I a Birthday party tonight with presents, bones, and birthday cookies. I can hardly wait!!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Flowers: Crocus

After a long winter we had to start coxing Mom out of the house with promises of beautiful things to be seen. This was the first flower to catch her eye as the snow retreated and thus our first Friday flower post of the year. We hope you enjoy.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Mischief: Paws in the Park

Hi Everyone, we are back. We got lost in all the snow. Mom and Dad traveled and then we just never got back to blogging. However, this weekend we attended Save a Dog's Paws in the Park at historic Wayside Inn and it seemed to be a great time to return to the world of blogging.

We had a wonderful time at the event. It was a bit warmer than normal for May. They had plenty of water stations. Bailey drank quite a bit. Katy was pretty stubborn about drinking outside the house bowls.

This year Paws had an agility try out and Bailey had fun participating in it, especially when he discovered tons of abandoned treats inside the tunnel. He made the tunnel roll when he turned around to pick up a few he'd missed. With her black coat, Katy was feeling a bit warm and decided to opt out.

We wanted so badly to participate in the musical hula hoops game, but we arrived just after the closed the entry for the game. We had fun watching as the players had to walk around the circle and sit in a hula hoop before the music stopped. The little dogs really had the edge slipping under the bigger dogs as the music stopped and edging them out of a spot in the circle.

We were pleased to find several other Shelties at the event. We don't often meet up with other Shelties.

Treats were flowing freely at all the vendors and we didn't hesitate to use our cuteness to get as much attention as possible.

Save a Dog is trying to purchase the building they are currently in and according to an article Mom read this morning, this was one of their most successful fundraisers ever. We wish them nothing but success as they continue trying to raise the funds they need to have a permanent home for their great work.

For those of you who live in the Massachusetts area and enjoy these events the Whisker Walk is coming up Sunday, June 7th at the Lancaster Fairgrounds from 11-3. This is the biggest event of the year and we try not to miss it. You can find more information at their website here.

Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Mischief: The storm before the Blizzard of 2015

As we mentioned in a previous post Mom got behind with her Blogging. The weekend before the big blizzard we had another storm with wet heavier snow, just not so much of it. There was enough that our Jr. Sheep's Mom's weekend class was canceled, so we didn't get to play with our Jr. Sheep as promised. We were quite disappointed.

However, we did try to make the best of it by playing in the snow. Mom captured some pictures, but never got to post them. She decided they'd make a good Mischief Monday post.

We know not every dog loves snow, but we love playing in it, eating it, and yes, napping in it.

Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blizzard of 2015

Mom has been very busy with Junior Sheep lately and hasn't done much bloggging. However, with the storm the sheep have been staying at their own home and Mom hopes to get some pictures taken for us to post.

This was the shot she got Tuesday of Bailey as Dog Dad was trying to measure our snow count.

Mom wanted to get some pictures of Dog Dad making the race track for us, but she never got out back to get them. She was looking a bit like a snowman after helping him snow blow the front driveway. Our race track is a square around the yard he shovels and tries to keep it clean for us so we have a place to play and do the potty stuff. Yesterday we discovered the snow was soft and fluffy and that when we banged into the walls it was like hitting a pillow. That started a game where we started slamming each other into the walls. It was great fun. Not something we can do with the usual ice walls we get.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pawprints in the Snow

We are finally get some light snow cookies. Nothing lasting, but Mom thought it would be cute to capture our pawprints in the snow. That is one disadvantage to snow cookies, she can't really track our movements in the summer. However, in the snow, it is hard to keep our movements secret.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Happy New Year

Happy New Year friends. We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and we are looking forward to sharing 2015 with you in Blogville.

Blog Paws is hosting the Hop