Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday Mischief: Katy's New Bed

Katy has always been challenging when it comes to trying new things. It isn't that she doesn't eventually like them, but she has to be pushed to try something. Then nothing comes between her and the things she's adopted and don't pretend she ever didn't love it. Thus is the challenge of trying to see if she truly doesn't like something or if she just is challenged by the idea it is new and different.

It has become clear that the bed we bought for her when she was adopted is clearly not the bed of her dreams. Bailey had an early version of the same bed and loves it. Katy has never taken to it. She has always been a side sleeper and needs a bed she can spread out on. She and Bailey have a couple of mat beds downstairs that she loves, so we decided it was time to get her something she'd use upstairs during regular sleeping hours. However, bribery is involved.

She spends a little time each morning with a bone to get used to the bed. So far she seems far more interested in this bed than in any previous option we've tried. However, she hasn't surrendered just yet. She is still sleeping on the floor.


  1. Don't feel bad....after talking to MANY Sheltie owners, it appears that Katy is more like the "normal" Sheltie!!!
    Dakota is like Katy and basically does NOT like beds......he has one small, thin one that is the only bed I have ever seen him even use occasionally.
    Shelties like Bailey who like beds are less common than Shelties like Katy and Dakota who do not like beds.
    Most Sheltie owners have all told me that their Shelties prefer to sleep on the floor. Could it be because they are so fluffy? Maybe!
    Also, Dakota doesn't take to many things right away, I just let him decide whether he will take to it or not. I don't push him

  2. Well that bed looks very soft and comfy Katy
    Lily & Edward

  3. neither my 2 have ever liked beds and we have tried every kind possible :)

  4. Have you never heard let sleeping dogs lie! Maybe Katy just has to make up her own mind ~ she is a free thinker.
    Thanks for being a fried
    Sweet William The Scot


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