Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Mom changed the Valentine's Flag to the St. Patrick's Day flag right after a snow storm. Mom offered a trade of a cookie for a picture with the flag for today's post.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Our Snow Race Track

Dog Dad is amazing. No matter how awful the snow storm he always cleans out our race track so we have a place to potty and play. On this thankful Thursday, we are thankful for Dog Dad and our race track. Long after the snow has stopped we have our wonderful track to chase and play and yes do our necessary business outdoors until we it melts enough to venture out on to the frozen tundra.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: Supervising the cleanup

We were supervising and providing security while Dog Dad kept our race track clean during the storm. It took several trips but we were there to make sure the job was done right.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Melt Before the Storm

We are due for a big storm today. As of Monday the weatherman says we could get another foot of snow cookies. Mom decided it would be interesting to get some pre-storm pictures to see how much melting has occurred since the last storm. We had 16 inches of snow last week, but it's March and despite Mother Natures best efforts Spring is coming. Spring snow keeps falling, but it doesn't have the staying power of winter snow.

We lost power in the last storm so we hope all of you stay safe and dry in this storm. That being said we are enjoying the last snow cookies of the season.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Before and After

Mom caught these pictures during the storm last Thursday and really liked them because it demonstrates two things, one Spring snow really doesn't want to stay and two Evergreens shed snow at the first possible chance they get.

Snow has been melting steadily since the storm, but we have hope as the weather dude says more snow is coming our way this week. We like our snow cookies as long as we can get them.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Remembering Bailey on his Birthday

Well technically Bailey's birthday would have been Saturday but we rarely post on weekends. 15 years ago a beautiful Sheltie boy was born and we were blessed to have him in our lives for 13 years.

He was one of the most social and welcoming dogs I've even known. When our scared and frightened Katy arrived Bailey made it his personal mission to help her feel safe, learn to play, and embrace life.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Thoughtful Thursday: Enjoying the Yard

We love hanging out in the yard, however sometimes a girl just needs a little privacy. Mom may want to take pictures, but it doesn't mean I have to cooperate.