Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bailey Demonstrates His Frisbee Skills

Katy has it all wrong. I work hard at my skills and I have tried to help her develop her talents, too. It is not my fault, she is afraid of being hit by balls and Frisbees. I have certainly taken my share of missed catches hitting me.

Mom and Dad never bought me specialized balls and Frisbees. They won't let me even play with Katy's special toys. She is allowed to grab mine, though.

I am glad she has learned to play catch with the ball. It has made playing outdoors more fun. If she can catch a Frisbee, it will be even more fun.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Katy Learns to Play Frisbee

Let's face it Bailey is the show off in the family. While I can run faster, he jumps higher and manages to catch balls and Frisbees high in the air.

I am not crazy about these objects flying at my head. He leaps up like without any hesitation. Mom and Dad seemed convinced this Frisbee thing is important. They even bought me a smaller frisbee so it would be easier for me to catch it. This one is softer, more jelly like than Bailey's Frisbee.

Bailey tried to teach me to pick up the Frisbee. Then he started stealing my Frisbee when I did not grab it fast enough.

I am still not sure why this Frisbee thing is so important, but I am working on learning. Bailey is not going to get all the attention.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Patriots Day!

We welcome you to Patriots Day in Massachusetts. No, this is not a celebration of our favorite football team. However, Mom says it has historical significance. She wrote an entry on her education blog if you want to learn more. To Shelties historical celebrations usually means loud and scary noises. Thankfully, most of this holiday's celebrations are not near our home so we do not hear the muskets as we do on the July 4th and Labor Day.

Instead, we look forward to a day spent with Dad playing outdoors and having extra walks. Then we get to watch an afternoon Red Sox game and the Boston Marathon. Katy has never seen a Marathon so she is not sure it will be very exciting. I love watching people run. I just think we should be allowed to run, too. It would be fun.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Camera Strikes Again

"Katy, what was that sound?"

"Hey, where did that camera come from?"

Are we not entitled to any privacy? This is exhausting. We have got to find them something else to keep them entertained.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

I thought we should get Dad a nice juicy bone. After all a bone is such a wonderful gift, you can enjoy for days. Dad could use something to relax with after playing with Bailey and I when he comes home from work.

Katy has it all wrong. Dad does not need to relax. He needs more toys to play with us. Who needs Wii Fit when you have Shelties? Dad needs more toys, balls, squeaky toys, and other things to keep him entertaining, I mean exercising with us.

Mom said we did not need to buy you anything Dad. Therefore, we send you lots of doggy kisses and wishes for a Happy Birthday. We Love You.

-Bailey & Katy

Pictures may not be used without written permission.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tasty Paws Excursion

There is a right way and a wrong way to eat doggy ice cream. Bailey was introduced to doggy ice cream at play group as a puppy. During the summer we give it to him as an occcasional treat.

Bailey demonstrates the appropriate method of eating doggy ice cream.

Katy's reaction was unexpected.

Like Bailey she received her ice cream in a dish. For some reason she grabbed the chunk of ice cream and ran under the kitchen table. She resisted all urges to come out and eat the ice cream from the bowl. Eventually we moved her ice cream outside and she was happy to eat the ice cream on the porch.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The First Spring Walk of the Season

Bailey and my husband used to walk year round at least once daily. Since Katy has joined us the walks have dropped off. Katy needs leash practice and Bailey has hated leaving Katy behind.

Katy has walking outings with her friends during playgroup. However, my husband and I have only taken her to the Vet and for a few shopping trips to Petco and Petsmart. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Katy is not thrilled with shopping. We have determined Katy would be an Internet shopper if given the choice. While she likes getting bones and toys, the shopping experience is not one she enjoys. Bailey enjoys getting out, meeting people, and getting to see all the products available.

Katy loves playing in the backyard. She has speed and turns Bailey has never had. Watching her get up to speed and cut her turns sharply is amazing to watch. We have not been concerned about her getting enough exercise. However, we would like her to be leash trained and more comfortable in public.

Saturday the weather was warmer and after an afternoon of yard work, my husband decided to take the two of them for a walk. Bailey was thrilled. He loves the exercise and social aspects of a neighborhood walk. Katy enjoyed the time with my husband, but she was overwhelmed by experience. While she walked, she pressed close to my husband the entire trip.

Our hope is if the weather stays nice, there will be more opportunities for her and Bailey to get out and practice walking together. She has learned to enjoy experiences that previously terrified her. My hope is that being in public will be one of them.