Bailey and Katy came to us as rescues. We lost Bailey in June of 2016 and Katy in November of 2022. We were blessed to have Annie join us in August of 2016. They have brought great love and joy to our immediate family and to extended family and friends. This blog will share their stories and issues related to Shelties. Some told from their perspective and others told from those that share this journey with them. Notice: This blog does have Amazon product links and Google Adsense
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Training Hard for the Olympics in Katy's Crate
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Blogville Olympics Where to Find the Events

Frankie has provided us with a list of events and I am trying to keep a list of event requirements and information as people post the events on their blogs. We don't want to miss out on registering and we thought others might find this helpful, too.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza
Parade of Athletes Event details here
Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears Event Details here
Swimming Event Details here
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style Event Details here
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout Event Details here
Catch me IF you Can Event details here
BEACH Ball Event Details here
Tues. July 31st
Gymnastics Event Details here
Couch Potato Peeling Event details here
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
DISCUS/frisbee Event Details here
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick(s Event Details here
Pole Jumping Event Details here
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing Event Details here
Digging Event details here
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting Event Details here
Keep Away Event Details here
Sun. Aug. 5th
Equestrian Event Details here
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
DE-Stuffing Event Details here
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies Event Details here
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
Event Details here
DRAW your Peeple Event Details here
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
Boxing Event Details here
EXTREME Weather Sports Event Details here
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track Event Details here
Snoopendous SniffAthon Event Details here
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony Event Details here
I know people are still working on preparing their events. However, I also want to make sure I have not missed listing anyone’s event posting either. It looks like I am missing event details on:
I do not know if Roo requires any participation in the opening
I have not been able to locate event links for the following events. Some may be coming, but I may have missed others.
Oscar’s Sleeping Events
Mona and Weenie -Tongue Curling/Raspberry AND Critter Stalking
Mayzie - Camera Avoidance Kae Kwon Do
Ruby and Penny - Roaching and Rolling
Lulu - Snack Sack Race
Mollie Jo - The Great Tennis Ball
Uji and Izzy - Bathtub Wrestling
I know we all want to support each other’s events, so I want to make sure we all know where to find them. I am hoping creating a list with the direct blog posts will make it easier for all of us to participate. Have a great Olympics everyone.
I will keep updating this page as I learn more. If you are hosting an event and your post is not listed, please leave the link in the comments and I will add it to the list.
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Olympics,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, June 25, 2012
Blogville Olympics Squirrel Hurdles

Track and Field events are always big at the human summer Olympics. Squirrel Hurdles is our contribution to the Blogville Olympics. For those lacking squirrels do not dismay. Squirrel chasing and the hurdles we encounter as we chase those squirrels inspired this event. We have jumped (hurdled) garden fences, hostas, day lilies, humans, dogs, rocks and all kinds of other natural hurdles in our efforts to keep our yard squirrel free. To enter this event we just want to see you clearing a hurdle. You can use any of those listed above or those found in your yard/play areas indoors or out. We are looking for natural hurdles rather than competition hurdles though. If you happen to want to hurdle a squirrel, real or stuffie, feel free. This event is designed to demonstrate the natural hurdling skills we show as we keep our yards critter free.
As with all Olympic events, you can begin entering by submitting your pictures on July 9 with the deadline for pictures to be received midnight of July 18th. This will allow All Blogville Olympic athletes to be SCREENED fur Bugs. No early or late entries will be accepted. Mom's computer does better with pictures rather than videos. Hosting a Blogville event has convinced us we need our own email account so we are asking for pictures to be sent to sheltietimes (at) yahoo (dot) com starting on July 9th.
While entries are due on July 18th, please come back on August 8th to view the outcome of the Squirrel Hurdles event. We expect it to be a tough competition. We know there are some amazing jumpers in Blogville.
The schedule of events and the blog locations for information on those events are available below.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza, Parade of Athletes, and Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout
Catch me IF you Can
Tues. July 31st
Couch Potato Peeling
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick (s)
Pole Jumping
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting
Keep Away
Sun. Aug. 5th
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
DRAW your Peeple
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
EXTREME Weather Sports
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track
Snoopendous SniffAthon
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony
We are going to try to see if we can find the links to the actual entry blogs and put up links for those, too.
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Olympics,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Squirrel Hurdles
Friday, June 22, 2012
Happy 4th Birthday Katy

Mom is so excited that Katy is having a birthday tomorrow. We have been promised doggy ice cream and other fun. It is supposed to be hot so probably not too much outdoor play.
Katy is taking it all in stride. While I get all excited about more toys and bones, Katy tends to take it in more slowly.
Can you believe Mom taught her to sit on my couch? Well I guess it is her birthday weekend and all.
The heat has been hindering out outdoor training for the Olympics. The heat wave is rumored to be breaking tonight with a thundershower. So, we should be back training for those outdoor events soon.
Dog Blog,
Katy's Birthday,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Baypath's Bark in the Park 2012 was a Wonderful Event

We wanted to get the information out about the Blogville Olympics yesterday, but we wanted to thank the Baypath Humane Society for sponsoring Bark in the Park at Hopkinton State Park. We spent Father's Day walking with our Dad and Mom to raise money for Baypath and got to do some other fun stuff while we were there.

This was us hanging out as we were waiting for the walk to begin. We met so many cool dogs. Many like us were adopted from rescue, others shelters like Baypath. We met a Sheltie alumnus of Baypath. He even walked in the parade of alumni's they had later. Mom was excited to meet a collie. The collie's owner was equally excited to meet Shelties as he had never met any. It made for an interesting exchange.

This walk was a little longer and hillier than the Whisker Walk or the other walks Mom has been doing as she recovers. She was quite tired when she was done. Therefore, after the walk, the humans got lunch and we rested and got quite comfortable and dirty in the black mulch. We looked like mulch creatures when we got up.
There were some fun booths and agility tryouts. Bailey did well at a sniffing event. Katy cheered from the sidelines.
Mom has finally admitted we will not be entering the Olympic swimming events and not due to the lack of water. We were allowed at the beach near the boat docks and while many dogs were wading and jumping in, we refused to put paw in the water although we did walk on the docks watching the other dogs enjoy the activity. The other Sheltie owner said his dog refuses to go near the water, too. We are hoping this makes our case stronger with Mom as she has been hopeful we would come to enjoy the experience.
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Blogville Olympics is Coming

The Blogville Olympics is Coming!
Animal athletes of all kind are welcome to join in the festivities. The Olympics will begin with the opening ceremonies on July 27th and end with the closing festivities on August 12th.
Start helping your athletes train now and get those pictures prepared. The Olympic events will begin accepting pictures for each event on July 9 with the deadline for pictures to be received midnight of July 18th. This will allow All Blogville Olympic athletes to be SCREENED fur Bugs. No early or late entries will be accepted.
Katy and I will be hosting squirrel hurdles and we will have information regarding our event up soon. The schedule of events and the blog locations for information on those events are available below.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza, Parade of Athletes, and Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout
Catch me IF you Can
Tues. July 31st
Couch Potato Peeling
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick (s)
Pole Jumping
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting
Keep Away
Sun. Aug. 5th
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
DRAW your Peeple
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
EXTREME Weather Sports
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track
Snoopendous SniffAthon
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony
Blogville Olympics,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blog Olympics,
Dog Blogger Activities,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Bailey 5 Garter Snakes 1

The totals are in, after this weekend with two additional captures, five garter snakes relocated, one escaped. The niece was back after Dad located another snake in the bulkhead. Turns out there were two and one actually made his way into the house. While hunting the first one the second one slid into the house. Thankfully, the basement is cold and it did not like its sanctuary. When the first one was relocated, Dad and the niece closed the bulkhead and figured if left alone it might return to the heat of the bulkhead. Sure enough, after an hour, they checked and while stubborn, he was captured and relocated. During his capture, he also gave away the location of the snake entrance and exit. Dad has since boarded this up, so he has high hopes this will reduce or eliminate snakes in the bulkhead.
Dad said I was instrumental in locating and flushing out the snakes. However, I was also responsible for the snake that got in the house as I got between the snake and the niece in an attempt to protect her from the snake. As a result, it was able to make its escape. I was very glad when it was caught later. I am also hoping that Dad's patch works.
Katy is getting tired of me working all the time. Yesterday, we had our first good yard zoomie in ages. While Mom was doing her yard walking exercises, I chased Katy through the hosta and lily plants. She was so happy. Katy also reminded me that we need to practice for the Blogville Olympics. We are hosting Squirrel Hurdles and while I have been hunting snakes, my training for clearance of hosta and other floras have been limited. Katy while shorter has a much better clearance range than I do right now. Yesterday she showed me some amazing moves. I have some work to catch up.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Shelites and Garter Snakes,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Shelties and Gardens
Friday, June 8, 2012
Whisker Walk 2012

We had such a good time at Whisker Walk. There is something magical about this place. Last year it was one of the first places Katy really opened up and enjoyed herself outside the house. She came home a much happier dog. This year she got out of the car a little scared, but instead of taking up her usual spot right next to or underneath me, she had a new companion, Dad and Mom's niece.
I confess I get excited at events like this. There are many things to see and smell. Dad was going to walk Katy and I was going to go with the niece. Well I did take advantage. Dad has a firm hand on the leash. I know I cannot get away with pulling and tugging. So, they decided to try an experiment. Katy would go with the niece and Dad would lay down the law with me. We were worried Katy would shake and panic, instead she blossomed. No more clinging to me, she found her own path. She completely bonded with the niece. Mom and Dad were thrilled.

Along with the walk, we were able to visit some of our favorite booths. The niece was thrilled with the carnival food. Do to the nieces car trouble we arrived later than last year, but we still saw just about everything. I finished the agility course this year. Dad was so proud of me. They decided since Katy had such a great day that she would just watch and cheer me on. Last year she refused to try anything but the tires.

At the Tennis Ball Fetch, I was able to win prizes, Katy still is not anxious to participate.

One human had donated handmade jewelry as a prize so for the first time Katy and I gave the niece a birthday present we won ourselves. She was impressed. She had never been given a birthday gift that a pet won for her.

We had a wonderful time. Our rescue, New England Sheltie is in CT and does not participate in these events. Therefore, the past two years, our group has walked for the sponsoring organization the Sterling Shelter. Mom got a purple t-shirt for the donation our group made.
We are looking forward to attending Baypath’s Bark in the Park on June 17.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Bailey Takes on the Garter Snakes

This looks like a harmless bulkhead, but I have been warning Mom and Dad for months that it harbored the most feared garter snakes. Yes, not deadly or really even harmful, but greatly feared in this house. Neither Mom nor Dad are fans. Not just one, but a family was living here. I barked, I walked up on it, I sniffed, I scratched, but nobody would pay attention to my snake alarm. We had snakes.
Then came the niece who rescued us when Mom was in the hospital. Mom and Dad asked her if she would help clear the veggie gardens for planting since Mom is under doctor's order to do no physical stuff for a while. While she is terrified of spiders, she has no issue with snakes. Now I had a partner to work with on getting the snake issued solved.
While she and Dad were working on getting the gardens cleared Mom told Dad she thought I might be on to something and sure enough while the bulkhead was clear earlier, when Dad checked after my warnings a snake had dropped in for a visit. We even learned that snakes can climb stairs. The first snake was relocated much to Mom's relief. I however, knew this was not an isolated bachelor or bachelorette. This snake had family. When the bulkhead was closed I put nose to the ground and found another snake. When they took a break from veggie gardening Dad could not believe there were two, but Mom convinced him to check. This one tried to twist himself into a place where he could not be pulled out. However, my barking and her quick speed had that snake relocated as well. They eventually went back to gardening, but I knew we were not done. These snakes are tricky.
Sure enough, I found the scent and Mom had Dad come over and only Mom and I really believed there would be another. This one was small and angry. It had plans and no desire to relocate. He tried to bite and I rushed down the stairs in full attack mode. Nobody bites my snake wrangler. The snake moved out of its protective area allowing it to be trapped and again relocated. We found one more outside the bulkhead, but it was worm sized and too small to catch.
It is so wonderful to finally be listened to and have a partner who is not afraid to deal with these snakes. Katy patrolled the back fence all afternoon to prevent the snakes from coming back. We hope they like their new digs better. We do not want them in the yard again.

Dad has since cleaned out what Mom called the snake garden and put an Eggplant in it since there was no room for it in the Veggie gardens. Mom and Dad's niece has promised to come back and remove any other snakes that might decide to make an appearance. It is so good to have a partner in your work.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Baypath's Bark in the Park 2012 at Hopkinton State Park
While we have lots of stories to tell you we want to get the word out about Baypath Humane Society's Bark in the Park at Hopkinton State Park in MA. We had so much fun at the Whisker Walk we are really pushing Mom to make it the extra half mile to finish the short route of the walk. She is making progress on her recovery and we are sure she can do it.
The event is being held at Hopkinton State Park on Sunday, June 17 from 10-3.
Like the Whisker Walk in addition to the walk itself there are lots of family and dog friendly events, vendors and food to be found at the event. We are excited about going to the park as we have never been. Mom is not sure what the normal rules are about dogs at Hopkinton State Park, but she plans to find out while we are there. For that day, it is open for dog business.
For those of you in the area, the information regarding Baypath's Bark in the Park event can be found here.
We hope this helps get the word out.
Baypath at Hopkinton State Park,
Baypath Fundraiser,
Baypath Humane Society,
Baypath's Bark in the Park 2012,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Shelter Fundraiser,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, June 4, 2012
We are Back

Mom's surgery was moved from this week to before Memorial Day. While she had grand plans for preposting to cover the time she would not be available, all that was lost when she had to have her preop appointments and then scramble to change coverage for us and finish all the details a couple of weeks ahead of schedule.
Katy has finally made a real close friend outside the family. One of Mom and Dad's adult nieces took the night shift while Dad stayed overnight with Mom at the hospital. Katy decided that someone who would come and not only feed you, but stay the night could possibly be trusted. While this person has visited the house and even stayed overnight on occasions, Katy has only shown slight interest. With Mom and Dad gone, she started to open up.
We would like to say we were on our best guest behavior while Mom and Dad were gone, but we were too worried. Sure, Dad leaves but not Mom. These things just are not normal. We were a bit restless and anxious. In fact, Bailey still is off his food since Mom has come home. I have been trying to help by offering to eat it for him, but all that happened was Dad rediscovered the spray bottle.
Mom finally is up to posting again and has some interesting stories to tell. She made it to the Whisker Walk and has photographs and stories to share from our adventure there.
We will be visiting blogs again. It has been rather hit or miss since Mom's surgery. We have missed all of you.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
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