The Blogville Olympics is Coming!
Animal athletes of all kind are welcome to join in the festivities. The Olympics will begin with the opening ceremonies on July 27th and end with the closing festivities on August 12th.
Start helping your athletes train now and get those pictures prepared. The Olympic events will begin accepting pictures for each event on July 9 with the deadline for pictures to be received midnight of July 18th. This will allow All Blogville Olympic athletes to be SCREENED fur Bugs. No early or late entries will be accepted.
Katy and I will be hosting squirrel hurdles and we will have information regarding our event up soon. The schedule of events and the blog locations for information on those events are available below.
Fri. July 27th.
OPENING Entertainment Extravaganza, Parade of Athletes, and Short Speech.
Sat. July 28th.
Window Nose Art/Snot Smears
Sun. July 29th
Crazy Sleeping SINGLES
Synchronized Sleepers
Bouncing...... Narrative Style
Mon. July 30th
Cross Neighborhood Walkabout
Catch me IF you Can
Tues. July 31st
Couch Potato Peeling
Wed. Aug. 1st
Tongue Curling / aka the Raspberry
Critter Stalking
Thur. Aug. 2nd
Stick (s)
Pole Jumping
Fri. Aug. 3rd.
Marathon Chewing
Sat. Aug. 4th
Tuneful Farting
Keep Away
Sun. Aug. 5th
Camera Avoidance Tai Kwon Do
Mon. Aug. 6th
Synchronized Peeing
Tues. Aug. 7th
Free Style Zoomies
Roaching and Rolling
Wed. Aug. 8th
Squirrel Hurdles
DRAW your Peeple
Snack Sack Race
Thurs. Aug.9th
EXTREME Weather Sports
Fri. Aug. 10th
Turbo Track
Snoopendous SniffAthon
Sat. Aug. 11th
The Great Tennis Ball Tournament
Bathtub Wrestling
Sun. Aug. 12th
Closing Ceremony