Monday, February 12, 2018

The Snow Begins

Mom has become a little bit obsessed with getting snow pictures, so as long as we continue to have snow storms you can expect lots of pictures. This storm happened last Wednesday and Mom was having fun capturing our joy at the new snow.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Annie's Favorite Toy

Contrary to what Mom and Dad might say my favorite toy is not called foot killer. This is my favorite Nyla Bone and despite their complaints Dog Dad bought me one for downstairs and upstairs. Mom just tries to keep them confined to my dog beds when I'm not chewing to avoid the foot killer problem. The upside to this toy is Katy has no interest in Nyla so I never have to share.

I'm thankful Dog Dad understands my need to chew.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Super Bowl Blues

I knew things were going bad for the Patriots when Katy took over my bed and started using my pillow.

However, the treats were good. We got our football treat ball before the game and Dog Dad's friend brought our regular start of game and half time treats. After all any day with treats isn't so bad.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Snow Cookie Delivery

We'd been out of snow cookies for a bit, but last Tuesday our order was delivered overnight and we went out to enjoy our new supply before it disappears again. Well Mom's hoping it disappears again. We think there is still time for more snow cookies before Spring arrives.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Football Treat Ball

Mom is always looking for new treat balls for us. Recently she got us the StarMark Treat Dispensing Football to play with during the Super Bowl. Dog Dad decided we should test it out before the game. We used training treats and after our first try Dog Dad took the advice on the package and trimmed one of the hole sections to allow the treats a little easier egress.

Mom bought the medium size for us and it does tend to get under small areas. However, we loved it because we could easily manipulate it with our paws and noses.

Katy kept hogging the football so Dog Dad eventually put down a second treat ball so I'd have one to play with too. I played mostly with the second ball as Katy was obsessed with the football. As you can see from the pictures I did try to get a little time with it when she wasn't paying attention.