Bailey and Katy came to us as rescues. We lost Bailey in June of 2016 and Katy in November of 2022. We were blessed to have Annie join us in August of 2016. They have brought great love and joy to our immediate family and to extended family and friends. This blog will share their stories and issues related to Shelties. Some told from their perspective and others told from those that share this journey with them. Notice: This blog does have Amazon product links and Google Adsense
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring. Well of course not, we've seen Prep and Landing with the Jr. Sheep. We know how to clear a room for Santa without the elves having to have extra work. Please we are herding dogs. As for mice, don't even suggest to the Mama there could be a mouse in the house. That could really ruin Christmas.
Mom and Dad have been busy all morning prepping for our guests who will start to arrive in a few hours. Mom wanted a picture of us under the Christmas tree. This is the last year with Grandma's Christmas tree. Grandma bought this tree when Mom was still in Jr. High and it has done more than its time. When Grandma moved out of state, Mom inherited the tree and all the ornaments. Mom was thinking about getting a new one at the end of last season, but by the time she looked, this tree looked better than the ones left over. Yesterday, she found one online she liked that came unlit. Mom has a thing about prelit trees and most of the ones in the stores she's seen all are prelit. So, she was very excited to find a sale on a tree she liked that has no lights. However, she still is feeling a little sad to see her childhood tree's last season.
Christmas Post,
Christmas Trees,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dogs with Christmas Trees,
Sheltie Blog,
Shelties under the Christmas Tree,
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Second Card Wreath Almost Full
Wreath 2
Well friends while we clearly dominated the first card wreath, Mom's friends and family came through in a big way for wreath two and she clearly took round 2. There is still time as we have a couple of days for cards to come in and I think her supply is about dried up, but we shall see what Mr. Postman brings.
Wreath 1
Tomorrow is our big Christmas celebration. Our big celebration is on Christmas Eve. Friends and family will start arriving in the morning and some will leave early Christmas morning to return to their own homes. It's a long and fun day of Christmas cheer. Then Santa Paws will come and we will wake in the morning to discover what he brought.
Mom is going to try to prepost our Christmas greetings. If she doesn't we just want to wish all of you a safe and merry Christmas.
Well friends while we clearly dominated the first card wreath, Mom's friends and family came through in a big way for wreath two and she clearly took round 2. There is still time as we have a couple of days for cards to come in and I think her supply is about dried up, but we shall see what Mr. Postman brings.
Wreath 1
Tomorrow is our big Christmas celebration. Our big celebration is on Christmas Eve. Friends and family will start arriving in the morning and some will leave early Christmas morning to return to their own homes. It's a long and fun day of Christmas cheer. Then Santa Paws will come and we will wake in the morning to discover what he brought.
Mom is going to try to prepost our Christmas greetings. If she doesn't we just want to wish all of you a safe and merry Christmas.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday Mischief: The Christmas Prep Edition
We got new jingle collars when we got our holiday grooming done on Saturday. Mom says they look like jester collars, but we know they are jingle collards, not as good as our plush ones, but still a cool holiday edition.
Dad and Mom are both a bit under the weather as we approach Operation Santa Paws. They are barking lots and making that funny sneezy sound. We are hoping they are better before Christmas Eve when all the sheep come to visit.
We've been trying hard to pick up those last minute Santa Paws points by being good. Katy stayed up to watch over Mom when she wasn't able to sleep. Bailey's been wrangling lots of Jr. Sheep. We think the crowning achievement that will take us over the top is that the Jr. Sheep are no longer afraid of dogs thanks to us. While they don't trust all dogs they are no longer afraid of us and that took real work on our part. Especially since Katy had to get over being afraid of them first.
We are posed next to Mom's heirloom Nativity. Sadly, Grandma lost the roof at one point, but it was handmade by Grandma's Uncle during WWII for Grandma's Mom as a Christmas present. Mom has been nursing it carefully along. Most of characters have changed over the years. However, Mom still has the 4 Kings from her childhood (Grandma always tells the story about the 4th King and Mom finally found the story to add to her Christmas collection), two baby Jesus (one always got lost during the season), and one shepherd. The rest are pieces acquired when Grandma had grandkids. The older pieces didn't all survive because they weren't all plastic.
The second card wreath is almost full, but Mom is winning the card race in that one. Her crochet friends have been sending lots of cards, but we got another batch on Saturday to keep in the running.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Christmas Post,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Mishchief Monday,
Monday Mischief,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Wordless Wednesday: Setting Up the Outdoor Decorations
Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop,
Christmas Decorations,
Christmas Dog Stories,
Christmas Sheltie Stories,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Our First Card Wreath is Full
Thank you to all our friends who have been helping us to fill up our card wreaths. As you can see, the first one is full and Mom has started on filling up the second one. We of course are responsible for most of the first card wreath. However, Mom has had a respectable showing this year from her crochet online friends who have been sending cards, too.
She wanted us to note that the first two cards in the second wreath are actually not dog cards, the third one was and another arrived after this was taken that was also Mom's. We have also received several e-cards that Mom has shown us and we thank all of you for sending those, too.
We are hopeful both wreaths will be filled before the season is over and we will get pictures posted so everyone can see.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Thomas the Train Birthday Party
Working with Jr. Sheep is lots of work. Birthday parties seem to be a big deal in Jr. Sheep land. This weekend Mom and Dad had a Thomas the Train themed party for one of the Jr. Sheep in the family and he wanted everything to be Thomas. As you can see, even we got into the party mode.
One of the coolest things about birthday parties is dog happy birthday cookies for us. The birthday sheep gave us each our own cookie after everyone sang Happy Birthday and Dog Dad was cutting his Thomas cake. We are looking forward to future Jr. Sheep birthday parties.
The sheep got a Thomas set and Bailey had to examine it to make sure it was safe for little hands. That required him to climb into the Figure 8 and examine it from all sides. Cries of Godzilla were heard and we were sure they were glad I was there to make sure they were all safe. We can only believe Godzilla must be some safety inspector or like Bob the Builder, someone that promotes safe building. After all, we know they were thrilled to have me playing with them. Still not sure, what is so exciting about those little cars that go round and round and keep kids entertained for hours. However, we have decided that happy sheep playing with trains are better than crying, screaming sheep.
Katy is taking to little sheep. She was the most engaged and involved she's ever been with people at the house. Bailey exhausted himself being the entertainer and sheep herder in chief. At one point, he curled up on the couch with the youngest sheep all in the line of duty to get the sheep to take a nap. Of course, once the sheep was down he did decide it would be OK if he napped, too.
Sunday, we all rested, as we were quite tired.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Birthday parties,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dogs and Children's Toys,
Dogs at Birthday Parties,
Monday Mischief,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Thomas the Train and Dogs
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Our First Card
Well after discussions with Dad, we agreed Mom might have received the first card, but we have the honor of having our card hung on the card wreath first since Mom lost hers. Our good friends Lassi and Benji's card arrived yesterday and we were very excited to get it all hung up.
With Mom's help, we finished addressing and stamping all our cards and hers too, yesterday. Dog Dad took the last of them to the post office this morning. We even got our e-cards sent to those who live outside the US. Now we have to get serious about decorating, as in where did Mom pack our Christmas toys. Now that the turkeys have made their way back into the Thanksgiving box it is about time we got our Christmas toys out of those big boxes.
We are all excited for choir practice. We can't wait to find out what we will be singing. Katy's hoping we will go Christmas Caroling. She has heard people will offer you treats at the door, kind of like Halloween.
Card Score Parents 1 Dogs 1
Blogville Card Exchange,
Blogville Choir,
Christmas Card Exchange,
Christmas Card Wreath,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Card Exchange,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, December 1, 2014
The Card Wreath is Up
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was delightful. Lots of attention. However, Dog Dad forgot to buy us birthday cookies. We celebrate a birthday on Thanksgiving and we are used to getting special bakery cookies on birthdays. As soon as the birthday song started, we sat down very nicely and waited for the cookie. No cookie came and Mom realized why we were being so respectful. Then she offered us one of our regular cookies. We were very disappointed. Birthday girl got her birthday pie, but we made sure Dog Dad won't forget us for the upcoming birthdays we will be celebrating this month.
Over the holiday weekend, Mom and Dad started transforming the house from Pilgrim themed to Christmas central. Katy has become fascinated with the tree this year and it is making Mom a bit nervous. She has realized she's just short enough that she can walk around the Christmas tree and scrape the branches on her back getting a little back rub. Of course, this also knocks ornaments and risks knocking over the tree, but every bit of fun has some hazards. Mom's not seeing it that way.
After the tree, one of the first things Mom insisted had to be out was the card wreaths. She has been busily addressing Christmas cards to friends and family all weekend. Three stacks have been mailed. We are still working our paws to the bone working through the Blogville list, but we will get all of you your cards soon.
We are having a debate with Mom. Technically, she got the first card of the season from one of her crochet friends before Thanksgiving. However, in the great Thanksgiving clean up the card has gone missing. Since she can't find it to put it in the card wreath we aren't sure it counts. Mom says it does. The debate continues.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanks Blogville
We encountered Blogville shortly after we started blogging and no matter how many breaks we've had to take because of life happening people always reach out and make sure we come back. Lassister and Chase every year make sure we hear about the deadline for the card exchange because they know how much we love it. No matter how hard Mom tries, the fall is always crazy and our Blogging time falls off. Yet, they never forget to post something to remind us we need to sign up or we'll miss out on something that always brings us so much holiday cheer.
Let's not forget those holiday cards. There is something so amazing about opening the mailbox and finding bright, cheerful holiday greetings from our blogging friends every year. We fill two card wreaths each year with warm holiday greetings from our friends.
We don't participate in all the amazing Blogville events, but we have enjoyed the Olympics and many other great events hosted here. Even when we aren't participating, we have loved reading and looking at the pictures others have posted. We have been fortunate to win several contests and to get to try out some fun new products that others have offered as prizes.
On this national day of Thanksgiving, we do want to say thank you to all who make this community such a warm and welcoming community. We are not always able to participate as much as we would like, but we are always better for the time we spend here. For that, we thank all of you for your generosity of spirit and kindness. We look forward to another year here in Blogville.
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Thanks Blogville,
Thanksgiving Greeting
Monday, November 24, 2014
Rainy Mondays
We woke this morning to a wet and dreary world. Mom says we best not be doing the snow cookie dance after seeing all the pictures of Buffalo. After all, there can be too much of a good thing. Not being able to get out the door to go potty, would be a huge problem.
Saturday, we got to see one of our favorite sheep and she lavished us with lots of love and attention. Sunday we rested up because Mom told us we were going to visit the big Red Guy, yep, Santa. Normally, Mom isn't crazy about Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving, but she has been looking at all the available dates to get our pictures taken and the ones in our area all seem to be later this year. I'm sure people have good reasons, but Mom already had conflicts for those dates. Then she found there was a date available this past Sunday and we were off to talk to the big guy.
Katy was nervous, but she seems to have a real thing for Santa. No matter where we meet him, he is one of the few humans she seems OK with despite her normal fear of strangers. We had our discussion about being good for the year, our expectations for bones and pressies, and took several shots to get one where we were both paying attention. When you meet a celebrity like Santa, it is hard to stay focused.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Rainy Day Blues,
Rainy Days,
Rainy Monday,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Shelties in the Rain,
Weather Dogs
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Advantages of the iPAD
Dog Dad got an iPad for Christmas last year and we have come to appreciate its value. For instance, we can rest right on the couch and have a personal TV to watch our favorite sports.
At some point, we want the iBark with bark and paw pad controls. Katy and I have many ideas for how this could keep us amused and busy during the day. So far, Dog Dad and Mom have not been open to pursuing dog tech.
Bailey iPad,
Dogs Watching Football,
Dogs with iPads,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat
Monday, November 17, 2014
Two Baths in Two Days
Saturday was our monthly spa date and while Bailey hates it, I, Katy, was happy to catch up with the girls as we gossiped under the dryers about the upcoming holidays. There is nothing like sharing with the girls at our monthly meet ups. Bailey finds it dull and uninteresting. He calls it torture and can't believe it is allowed in modern society. While not fond of the bathing there is something about a warm blow out and brush down at the spa I just can't resist.
Sunday, I discovered a huge leaf pile in the backyard and the glories of mud treatments. I tried to entice Bailey to join me, but he warned of dire consequences. How could anything that feels this good have bad outcomes I chided him. Oh, the glorious feeling of wet dark mud. Mom didn't see it that way though. When she saw me, she immediately took me to the bathroom and started up the evil tubby. Yes, I was suffering through another bath in two days. Bailey tried to protect me, barking out his protests, but there was no help. I had to suffer through the evil bath time, again.
Dad helped blow dry my hair and I will say the mud did wonders for my skin and hair. Mom isn't buying it though. She says that's the spa stuff that hasn't completely worn off yet.
Bath Time,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Mishchief Monday,
Mud Baths,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Spa Days
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Turkeys are Back
Sunday the Halloween toys mysteriously disappeared but they left behind our Thanksgiving Turkey toys. Mom has searched over the years and sadly, Thanksgiving is an underrepresented toy market for dogs. She hasn't located many for us. However, we love our gobbling turkeys and we were quite pleased to see them return. Well, Katy will be pleased when she finally steals one away.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Toys,
Holiday Dog Toys,
Monday Mischief,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Thanksgiving Dog Toys
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween
We're back and isn't it fitting we appear on Halloween. Once again, Mom has gotten distracted with other life chores and our Blog has gotten dusty. However, we weren't going to let the holiday pass without a greeting.
She did manage to find our Halloween toys when she pulled out the decorations, so we can't complain too much.
Our thanks to Lassiter and Chase for the reminder to sign up for the Holiday Card exchange. We rushed over to leave a post to add us to the list. It is one of our favorite activities of the year.
Tonight Bailey was hoping to have a chance to experience trick or treating from the other side of the door since we are rumored to have some sheep visiting us tonight to check out the neighborhood for some candy. However, he was most disappointed that Dog Dad said he couldn't handle sheep and one excited Sheltie at the same time. Katy had no interest in leaving the house. In fact she probably only dislikes the fireworks on the Fourth of July more than the doorbell and the constant door banging from Halloween. She does seem to find the costumed sheep interesting because she has been known to peek out and spy on the invading sheep.
We wish all of you a fun and safe Halloween. Hope you get some dog treats tonight.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Happy Halloween,
Holiday Post,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Sheltie Halloween,
Trick or Treating
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday Mischief: The Cone of Shame
So Mom and Dad really do mean No when they tell me not to scratch and bite my hot spots?
The Friday before Labor Day weekend not only did Mom and Dad get sick, but I came down with a nasty hot spot. The Vet was gone for the holiday, so I had to make my first ever visit to the emergency Vet. (Not bad for 11 years if I do say so myself.) The assistants were very friendly and gentle. Dog Dad liked talking with the Vet on duty.
Then came the bad news. Since I couldn't stop attacking my hot spot, I had to wear the cone. It was awful folks. I've seen you post pictures, but the shame and the awkwardness was awful. Dog Dad and I made a deal after one dog of cone wearing. If I wouldn't attack the hot spot I could try to prove I could be trusted.
I'll tell you after the horror of bumping into every table, chair and wall in the house, I took that deal and just wore my t-shirt. The hot spot is almost cleared up. However, I noticed they haven't put the cone away. If I even think about slipping, it's coming back.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Emergency Vet,
Hot Spots,
Monday Mischief,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Vet Visits
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Happy 4th Gotcha Day Katy
I still can't believe it, as these days seem to fly. Four years ago today, we met a scared little Sheltie Princess and brought her home. She was terrified of her own shadow. Today, she has fully claimed her kingdom and enjoys the benefits of her reign.
We had only just put in a request to be considered when we got the call to make the trip on Labor Day weekend 4 years ago. Saying yes to the rescue worker on the other line is a decision we have often been glad we made, little one.
To all those work in foster and rescue we thank you. Our dogs were both blessed with caring and thoughtful foster Moms who made the difficult journey from being surrendered to finding a forever home possible. We know that the happiness they have today started with the warm, caring, compassionate care they received there.
We look forward to many more years with you and Bailey, Katy. Each day is a special gift we treasure.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Sheltie Geometry: Obtuse Angle
Hey who are you calling obtuse. We are highly intelligent, oh wait we are doing geometry lessons again, aren't we oops.
According to Mom obtuse angles are angles that measure more than 90 degrees, but less than 180 degrees. For some reason Mom thought this lesson would be easier than the acute one. Hey we don't mind being called acute, but obtuse, really? There is no reason to be rude.
We are glad to be of service to our Jr. sheep who need to know this stuff for school.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Dog Angles,
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Geometry,
Dog Obtuse Angle,
Sheltie Angles,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Sheltie Geometry,
Sheltie Obtuse Angle
Monday, August 25, 2014
Sheltie Geomety: Acute Angles
Well we know we are adorable, but we thought we were supposed to be working on being more humble. Oh, acute angles, we are back to teaching geometry again.
For today's lesson we are demonstrating acute angles. We had some trouble with the angles. Bailey kept trying to roll over for treats and Katy objected to being kicked when Bailey was doing his tricks. Mom also insisted the angle had to face right, but we had a decidedly left day. Therefore, with all do apologies to math purists out there we present our version of the acute angle. By definition, the acute angle must be less than 90 degrees. While we didn't get out a protractor, we did make a 90 degree angle and decrease it thus achieving our goal.
We know the kids will appreciate our efforts. We still look better than those boring line drawings. We are acute.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Monday Mischief: Parallel Shelties
Mom has tasked us with the very important job of helping some little sheep learn some very technical math concepts. As Shelties, you know one of our best talents is counting. However, Mom is broadening our skill base to help demonstrate geometry concepts for little ones.
Today you have parallel Shelties. Do to the fact we are dogs and not boring lines on paper we don't exhibit pure examples of the concept. However, if you were a kids studying, would you prefer boring lines or adorable dogs? We are going to be helping out with some human little sheep in the near future and while it may interfere with our blogging, we also plan to continue our educational math program. We do perpendicular pretty well so that could be on the agenda soon.
Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Dog Geometry,
Math with Shelties,
Monday Mischief,
Parallel Shelties,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Blogs,
Sheltie Chat,
Sheltie Geometry,
Sheltie Math
Friday, August 15, 2014
Friday Flowers: Hydrangea
Life has been a bit crazy lately and Mom only realized this morning she hadn't preposted our Friday Flowers pictures. So, we apologize for our late start, but hope you enjoy today's entry.
Dog Dad bought home the Hydrangea a couple years ago after researching its care and needs. The color is beautiful and Mom was very surprised and pleased by his thoughtfulness.
What we can tell you is they attract lots of bees and human attention. Everyone seems to notice them and comment on them when they see them. Nothing like a pretty flower to distract them from what should be the main attraction, us.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Friday Flowers: Lillies
Mom has been trying to capture the last of the lilies. She is hoping to come back to these visits when the winter snows cover the land and enjoy the view.
Like the Hosta, the Day Lilies are fun to play around as long as you don’t break one. You can jump them, you can hide under them, and yes, you can flush bunnies out of them.
You just never know what excitement awaits you under the Lily flowers in Mom's garden. Even a picture with an Oriental Lily can score you some cookies.
Dog Blog,
Dog Blogs,
Flowers and Dogs,
Friday Flowers,
Friday Flowers Lilies,
Sheltie Blog,
Sheltie Chat,
Shelties and Flowers,
Shelties and Lillies,
Shelties with Flowers
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Tasty Tuesday: If You Can't Attack Eat It

Our war with the Zucchini plants has been well documented on our regular Tuesday Veggie Garden updates. Then Mom bought home a book from a library book sale, Doggy Desserts: Homemade Treats for Happy, Healthy Dogs
Dog Dad made Zucchini Lemon muffins for the parents and Zucchini Basil muffins for the dogs. Just a note about this book, the copy we have was published in 2005 so you have to check the ingredients to make sure the ingredients are pet friendly. There was a publisher's note that the book had certain ingredients that had since been determined not to be pet friendly like grapes and raisins. Mom insists on verifying before cooking regardless of what the book says. The recipe is copywrited so if you want to try it, you'll need to find the book. We can't share the recipe.

This just demonstrates the lesson if you can't attack it bake it. We had never considered this option. Frankly, they look rather scary crawling towards us on those vines. However baked in a muffin, they are had an interesting smell.

They smelled so good it was so hard to wait until Dog Dad said they were cool enough to eat.
We love Dog Dad's muffins and are thrilled he froze some for later. Mom has reserved some other Dog cookbooks at the library for us to try out since this was a success. We are looking forward to trying out some new creations. It might even be worth letting the zucchini grow in the yard as long as we keep a close eye on it. It sure does taste good.
This hop is hosted by Sugar and Kol
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