Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Mischief: Santa Take 2

We always get multiple shots to choose from when we go to visit Santa and this year Mom just couldn't resist getting more than one shot of us visiting the big guy. She of course chose the one with Katy sticking out her tongue at Santa for the Christmas Card, after all how often are you going to get that shot. However, this shot just said while Bailey was trying to demonstrate how good he was for Santa, Katy had mischief in mind.

Some good news from Bailey. He had his weigh in with the Vet Saturday, no visit, and is up 3 pounds so he is just under 3 pounds his normal weight now. This is huge. It has been a real miracle. Those prayers really are working. We went from thinking he wouldn't be here at Halloween and not including his name on the Christmas card list to having him regaining weight and chasing Katy like a much younger dog. Don't know where this will lead, but this has been the greatest Christmas gift we could have asked for and received, a wonderful Christmas season with Bailey.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thankful Thursday: It's Getting Close

We have much to be thankful for today.

First we won Oz's Petsmart Contest found here and have a $25 gift card to spend on goodies. The big brown truck showed up yesterday to deliver our prize. Sadly, we only heard the bell and didn't get our cookie from the driver.

Second, as you can see our first card wreath is full and the second one is starting to fill up as well. Mom has had a few entries, but as you could expect most of them are our friends.

Third, Bailey is supposed to be going in for a weigh in on Saturday and we hope to get good news that his weight has gone up with his new diet. His face looks fuller and his body feels less bony, but that's all subjective. We hope to have some data that what we believe is good news is real.

Lastly, it's hard to believe, but a week from tonight our family will gather together and have our big Christmas Eve celebration at our house. We are looking forward to seeing Dog's Dad's parents who we only see once a year now, as well as Grandma who will be traveling from PA and lots and lots of local relatives. Mom and Dad still have lots to do to get ready, but we can't wait to see everyone.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Christmas Prep Continues

Mom is making progress on getting ready for Christmas. Dog Dad picked up our Christmas cards last night and Mom worked on addressing them until she ran out of stamps. Not giving anything away, but Dog Dad says this is the best card ever because of Katy. As for the lack of stamps, never fear, Dog Dad picked up today when he mailed the huge stack Mom finished yesterday.

Dog Dad suggested making use of the flower boxes on our deck, so they went out searching for something to put in them last night. We are hoping the birds will discourage the squirrels.