Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Snow Corridor

Mom has certain shots that she just likes to get of us. One is comparing us to the height of other things, high snow walls work. The other is her strange facination with the paths in our race track that Dog Dad digs for us. She just delights in catching pictures of us in the paths.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March Madness

Brackets are broken and for once we aren't to blame. It truly is crazy. Dog Dad is a huge college basketball fan and we are here to be supportive, loving and encouraging but we will admit we just don't understand much other than when the teams win we get petted, when they lose we get petted. It seems like a good situation all around to us.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday Mischief: Mining Snow Cookies

Scooping up snow cookies when the snow is fresh is easy. However, as the snow crusts over with melting and refreezing there is more work involved for the same tasty product. Mom loves to capture us at work.

Don't get me started on the distractions of the tourists taking pictures or the competition who messes up my neat sites for snow cookie removal. She can destroy any sight in moments.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Mom changed the Valentine's Flag to the St. Patrick's Day flag right after a snow storm. Mom offered a trade of a cookie for a picture with the flag for today's post.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Our Snow Race Track

Dog Dad is amazing. No matter how awful the snow storm he always cleans out our race track so we have a place to potty and play. On this thankful Thursday, we are thankful for Dog Dad and our race track. Long after the snow has stopped we have our wonderful track to chase and play and yes do our necessary business outdoors until we it melts enough to venture out on to the frozen tundra.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: Supervising the cleanup

We were supervising and providing security while Dog Dad kept our race track clean during the storm. It took several trips but we were there to make sure the job was done right.
