Showing posts with label Shelties and Asparagus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelties and Asparagus. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

Protecting the Asparagus

Mom planted asparagus not really thinking it would come too much. Several years later every spring, we have to go out and guard the asparagus from creatures that might eat it before Mom and Dad get to cook it. It doesn't look like much, but Mom and Dad say it is a special veggie. Mom really likes the fact that it comes back on its own every year. It doesn't have to be replanted each year and it is pretty low maintenance from a veggie growing perspective. This crop is just about ready to be picked. Mom is already trying to decide what to make this weekend.

We just want to know when we are going to get one of those dog biscuit trees. We'd take real good care of it and make sure those nasty squirrels didn't attack it. Mom keeps saying she hasn't located one yet. We think she's just too busy hunting down veggie plants for her and Dad.