Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone.

We have been absent for a good cause. We are helping Mom help some family with homeschooling via Skype. Mom started doing read alouds via Skype for some younger relatives who are home schooled this summer and it keeps her kind of busy. While one child went back to a Charter school in the fall she still reads to two kids every day. Over the summer we read about the American Revolution, Ancient Egypt, and the Middle Ages. We also got to hear some awesome fictional stories. We are becoming very educated dogs. This fall we've been learning our grammar listening to School House Rock Grammar. We've also developed a taste for poetry. We like Jack Prelutsky and Shel Silverstein over the more traditional poetry favored by the kids' program, but Mom manages to slip all of them in there so we are getting a variety.

As for Halloween we never know quite what to make of a holiday that has people constantly ringing our doorbells, demanding candy, wanting to pet us, and then leaving only to have another group come up and do the same thing. It is all rather confusing and some what disturbing.

Hope you all have a peaceful and Happy Halloween.


  1. Wow..How pawsome for your Mama to help with homeschooling!!
    Happy Halloween!
    Rosy Jakey & Arty

  2. That sounds like a nice way to learn. Happy Halloween.

  3. The collies are all in my bedroom, with the TV playing for them. I can't be home tonight, and wanted to keep them calm with all the noise going on outside.

    I'm glad to see you guys posting again!

  4. We had a nice, quiet Halloween -- just the way we like it!
    What your mom is doing (with your help) for the home schoolers is really cool!

  5. Good to see you gurls!!! I, too, don't likes Halloweenie, cause peeps are knockin' butts never coming in or leavin' boxes of Chewy stuffs. Ma says I scare the shrunken peeps with my bark, so she puts the candy outside.
    Ruby ♥

  6. Very nice to see you! I am glad your mom is enjoying reading and helping homeschool the kids.


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