Showing posts with label Halloween 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween 2020. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween Fun

Trick or treat was allowed in our city but not all over the state. It was strongly encouraged that we find non-contact ways to distribute the candy. Chutes seemed to catch on across the area. There were several in our neighborhood.

Normally we stay inside the house and bark at the little ones from the door but due to COVID the candy distribution was happening outside and Mom knew we needed to be part of the security so she bundled up and came out with us for a while and then decided we had to go back inside to warm up while she and Dog Dad finished up with the last of the little ones.

For once we actually got to observe what goes on during this candy collecting night. We've walked around with little ones collecting candy but we've never just sat outside and watched it from our own yard. Mom is thinking this might be worth continuing next year.

Our neighborhood has long been a popular spot for Halloween candy seekers so while our numbers were down with COVID we still had more than most of Mom's friends and family got, especially considering by the time Mom and Dad closed down the temps were in the low 30's.

What else should one do but snuggle with a holiday bone when one's responsibilites are done for the evening.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Halloween Surprise

We knew Halloween was going to be different this year with the COVID restrictions. Mom tells us despite the restricitions the City has decided to allow trick or treating with some new rules. So this first picture kind of demonstrates the fall feeling Mom was gong for as she's been keeping us from eating her colorful fall pumpkins.

However we woke this morning to this...

With low temps predicted it has Mom concerned with how many kids will be out. We hope to have some cool Halloween pics to post but we will see what the weather brings.

We must say since we don't get candy on Halloween we did prefer the snow cookies.

Just a note we have allowed comments again. While we were away we were getting some disgusting spam filling up Mom's email notifications of comments to be modified daily and she shut off comments hoping the disgusting warts would leave us alone.