Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday Flowers: Crocus

While Mom hasn't been posting it doesn't mean she hasn't been taking pictures. She captured these pics at the end of March and the beginning of April as the Crocus and these mini daffodils were coming out in the cold weather. The crocus actually were peaking out when we still had snow on the ground. We hunted these down and told Mom they were out.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday Flowers: Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts were Mom's Dad's favorites so of course when she saw this one single broken down plant at a Garden Club sale, she had to bring it home, never thinking it would survive.

Now it is a bush and what she didn't know is you can't kill this thing. Really, you can't, even the City tried. They did some work on utilities and while they were repaving the street they thought it would be a good idea to pave over the corner of Mom's perennial garden. You know what grew through the asphalt the next year, the Bleeding Heart. It was the only plant that survived and continues to thrive. The rest lie dormant under the asphalt.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Flowers: Pansies

Over Patriots Day weekend Mom was starting to feel a need to get the veggie gardens started. It was too early, but she and DOg Dad went to look. They picked up some dirt, Mom says it's special dirt, some herbs to grow indoors and then they discovered these beautiful pansies.

Dog Dad wasn't sure they'd survive the cold, but they thrived despite the cold and Mom is enjoying her barrel of pansies.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Flowers

Friday flowers is back. We discovered these pretty tulips while out exploring the yard.