Monday, March 19, 2012

Helping Dad with the Gardening

Last year at this time, we were still dealing with snow. This year, Dad decided to take a break from March Madness and head out and start clearing out the flowerbeds. We of course were tasked with providing security details to keep him safe from garden predators. As a reward for our efforts, he gave us bully sticks to keep us alert during our shift.

Mom noticed lots of the spring and summer bulbs are starting to come up. We were praised for not helping Dad with the digging although the smell of spring dirt was so tempting.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Mystery of the Drain Pipe

Normally Mama is very interested in mysteries when they are in books or movies. However, we have been trying to get her interested in one in her own backyard and she pretends as if it does not exist. We know she is terrified of snakes, but this mystery started when snow was on the ground and snakes don't do snow. Try telling that to Mama who is convinced he could have been wearing a parka with a down bootie to keep its tale warm. Mama has an aversion to the crawly ones.

However, this morning she did go out and snap pictures of the crime scene. While I tried to show her what was wrong, she still cannot figure out the problem.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is It About Bunnies?

Someone else mentioned this in a post yesterday, so I know we are not alone. Mama is cool with us chasing just about any critters in the yard with the exception of skunks (which from what we have been told is justified) and bunnies. She will cheer us on as we chase down squirrels, but a cute fluffy bunny and she loses it. She becomes protector of all that is wild. She is very strict about the no chasing the bunnies rule.

Wait until that fluffy thing gets into her lettuce and we will see how kindly she feels towards it and its growing family then.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Look What Mom Made

Mom does these crochet swaps and she cannot post pictures on her craft blog until the other person gets the presents. The woman Mom was swapping with has three dachshunds. So, she made the bird the woman wanted, but she could not resist making this guy to go in the box either.

So what do you think?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Birthday Weekends are Wonderful

We had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday. We had birthday bones. Mom and Dad found many wonderful toys. We had extra playtime and one of our favorite humans brought special birthday cookies for Katy and I along with a cool new ball to try out. Mom noticed we were really attached to the Valentine's owl so she made sure we got one that can stay out year round.

Now that Katy is coming to appreciate this whole birthday thing, she is already creating a list of demands; I mean requests for her special day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

We Won Bones

Just in time for Bailey's Birthday, we won Smart Bones from Dakota's birthday giveaway at Dakota's Den.

We want to say thank you to Dakota for giving presents out on his birthday. We are looking forward to peanut butter and chicken bones.