Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Donut Bed

Blog Paws is hosting the Hop here

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tasty Tuesday: If You Can't Attack Eat It

Our war with the Zucchini plants has been well documented on our regular Tuesday Veggie Garden updates. Then Mom bought home a book from a library book sale, Doggy Desserts: Homemade Treats for Happy, Healthy Dogsthat helped us get even.

Dog Dad made Zucchini Lemon muffins for the parents and Zucchini Basil muffins for the dogs. Just a note about this book, the copy we have was published in 2005 so you have to check the ingredients to make sure the ingredients are pet friendly. There was a publisher's note that the book had certain ingredients that had since been determined not to be pet friendly like grapes and raisins. Mom insists on verifying before cooking regardless of what the book says. The recipe is copywrited so if you want to try it, you'll need to find the book. We can't share the recipe.

This just demonstrates the lesson if you can't attack it bake it. We had never considered this option. Frankly, they look rather scary crawling towards us on those vines. However baked in a muffin, they are had an interesting smell.

They smelled so good it was so hard to wait until Dog Dad said they were cool enough to eat.

We love Dog Dad's muffins and are thrilled he froze some for later. Mom has reserved some other Dog cookbooks at the library for us to try out since this was a success. We are looking forward to trying out some new creations. It might even be worth letting the zucchini grow in the yard as long as we keep a close eye on it. It sure does taste good.

This hop is hosted by Sugar and Kol

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday Flowers: Echinacea

Mom found these purple bee attracters at a garden club sale and fell in love with them. So did the bees and are constantly dive bombing us. While the Mom loves these purple perennials we insisted she warn you they spread like weeds. At first, she dealt with this by spreading them out over the yard. Then she gave some away. Now she has to pull some out. They are beautiful, but they don't know when to stop growing.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

We are very pleased to wish Mom and Dad a Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary. We aren't sure how they accomplished this without us, but on this day, 15 years ago, Mom and Dad got married and that led to them finding us. Yes, it always does come back to us doesn't it?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Veggie Garden Adventures

We have warned all of you of the dangers of an aggressive veggie garden. The zucchini have been the most dangerous aggressors this year. We fought them back for a bit, until Dog Dad forbid us to attack them anymore. Now the green peppers are under assault. First the peppers and then the world, just remember you were warned. Sure, you say it can never happen. That is what the peppers thought, too. Sure, they thought, what's so bad about having zucchini next door. Now they are taking over the whole raised bed. They've already grabbed us a few times.

This giant is ready for the kitchen. Despite its hostile nature, Mom and Dad have been enjoying quite a few Zucchini dishes. They've even been able to share with neighbors.

Look at this brave pepper trying to grow despite the ongoing plant hostilities.

The tomatoes are still in their crates cages, but they are trying to break out.

Mom was pleased to see some are ripe and ready to eat.

Mom has a weeding planned as even the nasty Zucchini can get killed off when the weeds take over.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Mischief

We warned the Mama it was not a good idea to travel without us. After all, we know how much trouble she and Dog Dad can get into without us. However, they were insistent they could handle a trip to New York for a wedding without us. We told Mom that leaving without preposting more than a few Friday Flower posts was a very bad idea. She was sure she'd get caught up when she got back.

Well they claim it was the best wedding they have been to in years. In fact, they still haven't stopped talking about how much fun they had. However, when they got home, they both were sick for days. That's what comes of not having your Shelties to care for you and scare those germs away.

Once behind, Mom has kept up with her volunteer work, but the Blogging has fallen off. Last week we finally protested she had to go visit our Blogging friends and get our Blog back up again. So, we started visiting people on Friday and finally got Mom to prepost again.

Don't tell them, but we had a great time while they were gone. Our favorite relative stayed with us and she is willing to give endless tummy rubs, walks, and is quite generous with the treats. While happy to have Mom and Dad home, we didn't want her to go home. She made some excuse about her Mom wanting her back, but we think her Mom could have let us borrow her for a bit longer. Mom and Dad said they have two weddings already scheduled for next summer. The downside is that our favorite relative is invited, too. Now the dreaded boarding word has been used. We are thinking someplace with private rooms and dining would be good.

Welcome to Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.